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GPU Coder

Generate GPU code from MATLAB code


The GPU Coder app generates CUDA® C code from MATLAB® code. You can generate:

  • CUDA C source code, static libraries, dynamically linked libraries, and executables that you can integrate into existing CUDA C applications outside of MATLAB.

  • MEX functions for accelerated versions of your MATLAB functions.

The workflow-based user interface steps you through the code generation process. Using the app, you can:

  • Create a project or open an existing project. The project specifies the input files, entry-point function input types, and build configuration.

  • Review code generation readiness issues, including unsupported functions.

  • Check your MATLAB function for run-time issues.

  • Fix issues in your MATLAB code using the integrated editor.

  • Convert double-precision MATLAB code to single-precision C code (requires a Fixed-Point Designer™ license).

  • See static code metrics.

  • Verify the numerical behavior of generated code using software-in-the-loop execution (requires an Embedded Coder® license).

  • Export project settings in the form of a MATLAB script.

  • Access generated files.

  • Package generated files as a single zip file for deployment outside of MATLAB.


The app is not supported on MATLAB Online™.

GPU Coder app

Open the GPU Coder App

  • MATLAB toolstrip: On the Apps tab, under Code Generation, click the app icon.

  • MATLAB Command Window: Enter gpucoder.

Programmatic Use

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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