Define an Object Deletion Callback
You can create an object deletion callback that executes code when you delete the object.
For example, create an object deletion callback for a figure so that when you delete the
figure a dialog box appears asking if you want to delete all the figures. Copy the
following code to a new function file and save it as figDelete.m
in the current folder or in a folder on the MATLAB® search path.
function figDelete(~,~) yn = questdlg('Delete all figures?',... 'Figure Menu',... 'Yes','No','No'); switch yn case 'Yes' allfigs = findobj(get(groot,'Children'),'Type','figure' ); set(allfigs,'DeleteFcn',[]); delete(allfigs) case 'No' return end end
Then create two figures and assign the figDelete
function to the
Delete one of the figures and choose an option on the dialog box that appears.
figure('DeleteFcn',@figDelete) figure('DeleteFcn',@figDelete)