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Reserved Names

Avoid name conflicts with custom code

Model Configuration Pane: PLC Code Generation / Identifiers


Enter the names of variables or functions in the generated code that matches the names of variables or functions specified in custom code.


To use this parameter, clear Use the same reserved names as Simulation Target.


{} (default) | array

Default: ( )

This action changes the names of variables or functions in the generated code to avoid name conflicts with identifiers in custom code. Reserved names must be fewer than 256 characters in length.


  • Start each reserved name with a letter or an underscore.

  • Each reserved name must contain only letters, numbers, or underscores.

  • Separate the reserved names by using commas or spaces.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionNo impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: PLC_RTWReservedNames
Type: string
Value: string
Default: ''

Version History

Introduced in R2010a