Review History in Polyspace Access Web Interface
The Review History pane displays changes to the Status, Severity, or Comment for a finding. For each change to these review fields, you see a separate row with:
The date and time of the change.
The user name of the user who made the change.
The review field that changed, for instance Severity.
The original value of the review field.
The new value of the review field.
All the changes that you make to the review fields of findings in the Polyspace® desktop interface are shown in a single row after you upload these findings to Polyspace Access. The Review History pane does not display the user name of the user who made these changes.
You open the Review History pane by using the icon in your Results Details
pane, or by going to Window > Review History.
You can display changes for all the review fields, or you can filter for changes by Status, Severity, and Comment.