Coupled line balun
Balun is a transformer used to connect an unbalanced source line to a balanced load or vise-versa. This structure provides a matching transition between unbalanced to balanced transmission lines with a 180 degree phase difference and an equal potential at the output port. Baluns are key components in balanced circuit topologies such as balanced mixers, push-pull amplifiers, balanced frequency multiplier, phase shifters, balanced modulators, dipole feeds and other wide range of applications.
balunCoupledLine | Create multisection coupled-line balun on X-Y plane (Since R2022a) |
balunMarchand | Create Marchand balun in microstrip form (Since R2022b) |
show | Display PCB component structure or PCB shape (Since R2021b) |
info | Display information about PCB component structure (Since R2021b) |
designCoupledLine | Calculate dimensions of coupled-line section for specified frequency (Since R2022a) |
designUncoupledLine | Calculate dimensions of uncoupled-line section for specified frequency (Since R2022a) |
designOutputLine | Calculate dimensions of output line section for specified frequency (Since R2022a) |
shapes | Extract all metal layer shapes of PCB component (Since R2021b) |