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System Filter

Run child components if current system meets specified conditions


This component runs its child components if the current system meets the conditions that you specify with this component.


  • At least N blocks: Specifies the minimum number of blocks that the system must include for any of the child components to run. If you enter 0, child components run regardless of the number of blocks in the system.

  • At least N subsystems: Specifies the minimum number of subsystems that the system must include for the child components to run. If you enter 0, child components run regardless of the number of subsystems in the system.

  • Mask type: Specifies which masks to include in the generated report.

    • Either masked or unmasked

    • Masked

    • Unmasked

  • Custom filtering MATLAB code: Specifies custom MATLAB® filtering code that the System Filter applies when determining which systems and subsystems to report on in a System Loop component. The edit box includes a sample function (commented out) that you can use as a starting point for your own filtering function. Use the isFiltered variable for the output of your function. For example, to filter out systems and subsystems whose names start with engine, enter:

    isFiltered = strncmpi( currentSystem, 'engine', 6);

Insert Anything into Report?




See Also

System Loop

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