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Show contents of project file, library file, or SimBiology root object


sbiowhos flag
sbiowhos ('flag')
sbiowhos flag1 flag2...
sbiowhos FileName


sbiowhos shows contents of the SimBiology® root object. This includes the built-in and user-defined kinetic laws, units, and unit prefixes.

sbiowhos flag shows specific information about the SimBiology root object as defined by flag. Valid flags are described in this table.

-builtin Built-in kinetic laws, units, and unit prefixes
-data Data saved in file
-kineticlaw Built-in and user-defined kinetic laws
-unitBuilt-in and user-defined units
-unitprefix Built-in and user-defined unit prefixes
-userdefined User-defined kinetic laws, units, and unit prefixes

You can also specify the functional form sbiowhos ('flag').

sbiowhos flag1 flag2... shows information about the SimBiology root object as defined by flag1, flag2,... .

sbiowhos FileName shows the contents of the SimBiology project or library defined by Name.


% Show contents of the SimBiology root object
% Show kinetic laws on the SimBiology root object
  sbiowhos -kineticlaw
% Show the builtin units of the SimBiology root object.
  sbiowhos -builtin -unit
% Show all contents of project file.
  sbiowhos myprojectfile
% Show kinetic laws from a library file.
  sbiowhos -kineticlaw mylibraryfile
% Show all contents of multiple files.
  sbiowhos myfile1 myfile2

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

expand all

See Also