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PS Concatenate

Concatenate two vector or matrix physical signals

Since R2023b

  • PS Concatenate block

Simscape / Foundation Library / Physical Signals / Functions


The PS Concatenate block concatenates two input vectors or matrices into a single output.

Physical signals at the two input ports must have commensurate units. The unit at the output port is determined by unit propagation rules. For more information, see Physical Signal Unit Propagation.

By default, the block concatenates the matrices vertically. To concatenate horizontally, select the Concatenate horizontally check box.



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First input physical signal to be concatenated.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.

Second input physical signal to be concatenated.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.


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Output physical signal.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.


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If the input signals are matrices, then by default the block concatenates them vertically. To concatenate the matrices horizontally, select the Concatenate horizontally check box.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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