Modularisation des projets volumineux
Organiser les projets volumineux avec des projets référencés
Les projets dans MATLAB et Simulink facilitent l'organisation des grands projets de modélisation en localisant les fichiers requis, en gérant et partageant ces fichiers ainsi que les paramètres, et en intégrant la gestion de version. Regardez la vidéo How to Organize Large Projects into Components (3 min 32 s) et consultez la rubrique What Are Projects?
addReference | Add referenced project to project |
removeReference | Remove project reference |
listAllProjectReferences | List all projects in reference hierarchy of current project (depuis R2021a) |
- Componentization Using Referenced Projects
Organize a large project into components to facilitate, for example, component reuse and modular development.
- Add or Remove a Reference to Another Project
Add or remove project components.
- View, Edit, or Run Referenced Project Files
View, edit, or run component files through project reference hierarchy.
- Extract a Folder to Create a Referenced Project
Partition a large project into components.
- Manage Referenced Project Changes Using Checkpoints
Detect changes in referenced project components using checkpoints.