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Available S-Function Implementations

You can implement your S-function in one of five ways:

  • A Level-2 MATLAB S-function provides access to a more extensive set of the S-function API and supports code generation. In most cases, use a Level-2 MATLAB® S-function when you want to implement your S-function in MATLAB.

  • A handwritten C MEX S-function provides the most programming flexibility. You can implement your algorithm as a C MEX S-function or write a wrapper S-function to call existing C, C++, or Fortran code. Writing a new S-function requires knowledge of the S-function API and, if you want to generate inlined code for the S-function, the Target Language Compiler (TLC).

  • The S-Function Builder is a user interface for programming a subset of S-function functionality. If you are new to writing C MEX S-functions, you can use the S-Function Builder to generate new S-functions or incorporate existing C or C++ code without interacting with the S-function API. The S-Function Builder can also generate TLC files for inlining your S-function during code generation with the Simulink® Coder™ product.

  • The Legacy Code Tool is a set of MATLAB commands that helps you create an S-function to incorporate legacy C or C++ code. Like the S-Function Builder, the Legacy Code Tool can generate a TLC file to inline your S-function during code generation. The Legacy Code Tool provides access to fewer of the methods in the S-function API than the S-Function Builder or a handwritten C MEX S-function.

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