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Inspect Properties, Compare, and Merge Evolutions

Use the Property Inspector pane of the Design Evolution Manager to inspect properties of the evolution tree, evolutions, and the connectors between evolutions and to compare evolutions.


The Design Evolution Manager is available on MATLAB® Online™ only and requires a Simulink® license.

Inspect Properties of Evolution Tree, Evolutions, and Connectors

Select an evolution to display properties of the evolution.

Screenshot of Property Inspector pane when the Baseline evolution is selected.

Use the Property Inspector pane to:

  • Rename the evolution

  • View the files that are stored in the evolution

  • Enter notes about the evolution

Select the evolution tree canvas to display properties of the evolution tree. Use the Property Inspector pane to:

  • Rename the evolution tree

  • Enter notes about the evolution tree

Select a connector between evolutions to display what has changed between the parent and child evolution. Use the Property Inspector pane to:

  • Enter notes

  • View files that have been added, deleted, or changed between the parent and child evolution

Compare and Merge Evolutions

You can launch the Simulink Model Comparison Tool directly from the Design Evolution Manager to compare changes between evolutions.

To compare two evolutions, select an evolution of interest. In the File Explorer section of the Property Inspector pane, select an evolution to compare to. The Property Inspector displays a list of files that have been added, deleted, or changed between the two evolutions. Select one or more files to compare, then click Compare Files to launch the Comparison Tool. You can compare any two files in different evolutions, even if the files have different names.

When you compare the active evolution to another evolution in the evolution tree, you can use the Comparison Tool to merge differences from an evolution into the active evolution.

See Also


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