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Common Utilities for Creating Checks

When you create a custom check, there are common Simulink® utilities that you can use to make the check perform different actions. Following is a list of utilities and when to use them. In the Utility column, click the link for more information about the utility.

UtilityUsed For...

Getting handle or path to:

  • Blocks

  • Lines

  • Annotations

When getting the object, you can:

  • Specify a search depth

  • Search under masks and libraries

get_param / set_paramGetting and setting system and block parameter values.
Property InspectorGetting object properties. First you must get a handle to the object.
evalinWorking in the base workspace.
Simulink.ID.getSIDIdentifying Simulink blocks, model annotations or Stateflow® objects.
Stateflow API (Stateflow)Programmatic access to Stateflow objects.