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Using Model Slicer with Stateflow

You can use Model Slicer highlighting to visually verify the logic in your Stateflow® charts or tables. After you Define a Simulation Time Window, you use Model Slicer to highlight and slice Stateflow elements that are active within the selected time window.


If you do not Define a Simulation Time Window when you highlight functional dependencies in a Stateflow chart or table, Model Slicer assumes that all elements of the chart or table are active. Model Slicer highlights the entire contents of such charts and tables.

Model Slicer Highlighting Behavior for Stateflow Elements

Model Slicer highlights a Stateflow element if it was executed in the specified time window. Some examples include:

  • A chart, if it is activated in the specified a time window.

  • A state, if its entry, exit, or during actions are executed in the specified a time window.

  • A parent state, if its child state is highlighted in the specified a time window.

  • A transition, if it is taken in the specified time window, such as inner, outer, and default. If the conditions of a transition are evaluated, but the transition is not taken, Model Slicer does not highlight the transition.

Using Model Slicer with Stateflow State Transition Tables

Model Slicer does not directly highlight the contents of Stateflow state transition tables. To view highlighted functional dependencies in a state transition table, you must view the auto-generated diagram for the state transition table. In the Debug tab, click Show Auto Chart. For more information, see Inspect the Design of State Transition Tables (Stateflow).

Support Limitations for Using Model Slicer with Stateflow

For support limitations when you use Model Slicer with Stateflow, see Model Slicer Support Limitations for Stateflow.

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