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Structural coverage level

Types of coverage to analyze

Model Configuration Pane: Coverage


The Structural coverage level parameter specifies the types of coverage data to analyze. Each metric selection includes the metrics preceding it. For example, if you select Decision, then Simulink® Coverage™ analyzes decision coverage and block execution coverage. For more information, see Types of Model Coverage and Structural Coverage Metrics.


To enable this parameter, select Enable coverage analysis.


Decision (default) | Block Execution | Condition Decision | Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MCDC)
Block Execution

Determine if each block executes at least once during simulation.


Determine if each decision is true at least once and false at least once during simulation.


Determine if each condition and each decision is true at least once and false at least once during simulation.

Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MCDC)

Determine if each MCDC outcome occurs during simulation.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: CovMetricStructuralLevel
Type: character vector | string
Value: "BlockExecution" | "ConditionDecision" | "Decision" | "MCDC"

Version History

Introduced in R2016a