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Induction Motor Initialization with Loadflow

This example shows how to initialize a three-phase induction motor as part of a load flow analysis. When initializing an induction machine that is directly connected to an AC network, in steady state there is one degree of freedom which you can set by any one of shaft torque, shaft power, motor speed, or electrical power.

Here the model is configured to initialize delivering 8kW of mechanical power to a load. Hence the mechanical power consumed variable on the induction motor variables tab is set to -8kW with high priority. The slip and real power generated variables are left at priority none. Similarly, because the inertia initial speed is equivalent to slip, the rotational velocity is set to priority none. To help the initialization converge, the beginning value is set to synchronous speed rather than left at zero.

The shaft torque is set to -8kW divided by the synchronous mechanical speed. This is an approximation as some negative slip is expected when generating. The error results in an initial acceleration of the inertia. If increased accuracy is required, the measured slip from the first simulation can be used to correct the shaft torque applied, and the simulation run a second time. However, it is important to note that this error in the shaft torque does not change the load flow results for the rest of the electrical network.


Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

This plot shows the simulation results following the steady state initialization to meet load flow targets. Observe that there is no transient, indicating that the induction motor has been correctly initialized.

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