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Measure barometric air pressure, relative humidity, and temperature from BME280 sensor

Since R2021b

  • BME280 block

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / Sensors


The BME280 block outputs the values of barometric air pressure and relative humidity as measured by the BME280 sensor connected to C2000 board. The block also outputs the temperature as read by the BME280 sensor.




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Barometric air pressure (in Pascal (Pa)) measured by a BME280 sensor that is connected to C2000 board.


This output port appears only if you select the Pressure (Pa) parameter.

Data Types: double

Temperature (in ℃) measured by BME280 sensor connected to C2000 board.


This output port appears only if you select the Temperature (℃) parameter.

Data Types: double

Relative humidity (in %) measured by BME280 sensor connected to C2000 board.


This output port appears only if you select the Humidity (%) parameter.

Data Types: double

Status of read values from the BME280 sensor, to indicate if the data read is the new value or not. The Status value of 0 indicates that the data read is new and 1 indicates that the data read is not new.


This output port appears only if you select the Status parameter.

Data Types: uint8


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The I2C module to be used for communication to the BME280 sensor. The number of I2C modules supported varies across different C2000 processors. You can find the supported I2C modules corresponding to the processor (which you selected for the Hardware Board parameter in the Simulink model) by opening the Configuration Parameters dialog box and checking the I2C specific tabs under Target hardware resources.

The I2C address used by BME280 sensor communicating with the C2000 processor. The default parameter value (0x77) corresponds to the value mentioned in the Schematics section of the BOOSTXL-SENSORS BoosterPackTM Plug-in Module User's Guide.

Select this parameter to set Pressure as one of the output ports.

Select this parameter to set Temperature as one of the output ports.

Select this parameter to set Humidity as one of the output ports.

Select this parameter to set Status as one of the output ports.

Specify filter coefficient for the IIR filter while reading pressure and temperature values from BME280 sensor. Selecting a non-zero value for filter coefficient helps to improve the step response and remove short-term fluctuations in the measured values.

Specify the standby time (in ms) when the processor stays idle (inactive duration) while reading values from BME280 sensor. The selection of this value affects the total cycle time.

Specify the oversampling factor to reduce the noise for the pressure value read from BME280 sensor. This value is a multiplication factor that affects measurement rate and current consumption.

Specify the oversampling factor to reduce the noise for the humidity value read from BME280 sensor. This value is a multiplication factor that affects measurement rate and current consumption.

Specify the oversampling factor to reduce the noise for the temperature value read from BME280 sensor. This value is a multiplication factor that affects measurement rate and current consumption.

Specify the output data type for the values read from BME280 sensor. The default data type for TI’s C2000™ processors is single. Use this parameter to change the values to double, if required.

Specify how often this block reads the data from the BME280 sensor. When you set this parameter to -1, Simulink determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b