Calibrate XCP Characteristics
This example shows how to use the XCP protocol capability to connect and calibrate available characteristic data from an XCP Sample server. The XCP Sample Server is specially designed for XCP examples only.
Vehicle Network Toolbox™ provides MATLAB® functions for interfacing with a server over multiple transport layers including Controller Area Networks (CAN), Controller Area Network Flexible Data-Rate (CAN FD), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This example writes to calibrate the parameters then compares the measurements before and after calibration.
XCP is a high-level protocol used for accessing and modifying internal parameters and variables of a model, algorithm, or ECU. For more information, refer to the ASAM standard.
Open the A2L File
An A2L file is required to establish a connection to the XCP server. The A2L file describes all of the functionality and capability that the XCP server provides, as well as the details of how to connect to the server. Use the xcpA2L
function to open the A2L file that describes the server model.
a2lInfo = xcpA2L("SampleECU.a2l")
a2lInfo = A2L with properties: File Details FileName: 'SampleECU.a2l' FilePath: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3437682/tpbbf2b61b/vnt-ex60761655/SampleECU.a2l' ServerName: 'SampleServer' Warnings: [0x0 string] Parameter Details Events: {'Event DAQ 100ms'} EventInfo: [1x1 xcp.a2l.Event] Measurements: {'Line' 'PWM' 'Sine'} MeasurementInfo: [3x1 containers.Map] Characteristics: {'Gain' 'yData'} CharacteristicInfo: [2x1 containers.Map] AxisInfo: [1x1 containers.Map] RecordLayouts: [3x1 containers.Map] CompuMethods: [1x1 containers.Map] CompuTabs: [0x1 containers.Map] CompuVTabs: [0x1 containers.Map] XCP Protocol Details ProtocolLayerInfo: [1x1 xcp.a2l.ProtocolLayer] DAQInfo: [1x1 xcp.a2l.DAQ] TransportLayerCANInfo: [1x1 xcp.a2l.XCPonCAN] TransportLayerUDPInfo: [0x0 xcp.a2l.XCPonIP] TransportLayerTCPInfo: [1x1 xcp.a2l.XCPonIP]
Start the XCP Sample Server
The XCP Sample server mimics the behavior of a real XCP server in a controlled way. In this case, it serves ONLY for examples with limited functionalities. Use local SampleECU
class to create the Sample server object and a Sample server will be created in the MATLAB Workspace. The XCP Sample server supports CAN, CAN FD, and TCP. This example chooses the CAN protocol for demonstration.
sampleServer = SampleECU(a2lInfo,"CAN","MathWorks","Virtual 1",1);
Create an XCP Channel
To create an active XCP connection to the server, use the xcpChannel
function. The function requires a reference to the server A2L file and the type of transport protocol to use for messaging with the server. The XCP Channel must use the same device and a2l file as the Sample server to make sure they can be connected.
xcpCh = xcpChannel(a2lInfo,"CAN","MathWorks","Virtual 1",1)
xcpCh = Channel with properties: ServerName: 'SampleServer' A2LFileName: 'SampleECU.a2l' TransportLayer: 'CAN' TransportLayerDevice: [1x1 struct] SeedKeyDLL: [] ConnectMode: 'normal'
Connect to the Server
To make communication with the server active, use the connect
View Available Characteristics from A2L File
A characteristic in XCP represents a tunable parameter in the memory of the model. Characteristics available for calibration are defined in the A2L file and can be found in the Characteristics
property. Note that the parameter Gain
is the multiplier and yData
specifies the output data points of the 1-D look-up table.
ans = 1x2 cell
{'Gain'} {'yData'}
ans = Characteristic with properties: Name: 'Gain' LongIdentifier: 'Scalar SBYTE' CharacteristicType: VALUE ECUAddress: 8454145 Deposit: [1x1 xcp.a2l.RecordLayout] MaxDiff: 0 Conversion: [1x1 xcp.a2l.CompuMethod] LowerLimit: -100 UpperLimit: 100 Dimension: 1 AxisConversion: {1x0 cell} BitMask: [] ByteOrder: MSB_LAST Discrete: [] ECUAddressExtension: 0 Format: '%6.1' Number: [] PhysUnit: ''
ans = Characteristic with properties: Name: 'yData' LongIdentifier: 'Curve with standard axis' CharacteristicType: CURVE ECUAddress: 8454912 Deposit: [1x1 xcp.a2l.RecordLayout] MaxDiff: 0 Conversion: [1x1 xcp.a2l.CompuMethod] LowerLimit: 0 UpperLimit: 255 Dimension: 8 AxisConversion: {[1x1 xcp.a2l.CompuMethod]} BitMask: [] ByteOrder: MSB_LAST Discrete: [] ECUAddressExtension: 0 Format: '' Number: [] PhysUnit: ''
Calibrate the Characteristic Gain Value
The characteristic Gain
is used to calculate the value measurement Sine
. The Gain
value controls the amplitude of the measurement Sine
Inspect Preloaded Characteristic Values
Read the current value of the characteristic Gain
. The readCharacteristic
function performs a direct read from the server for a given characteristic.
initialGain = readCharacteristic(xcpCh, "Gain")
initialGain = 2
Obtain Measurement Before Calibration
Create a Measurement List
This example explores the value of the measurement Sine
, unmodified and modified by the two characteristics. To visualize the continuously changing value of Sine
pre- and post-calibration, acquire measurement data values using a DAQ list. Use the createMeasurementList
function to create a DAQ list containing the Sine
measurement from the server.
createMeasurementList(xcpCh, "DAQ", "Event DAQ 100ms", "Sine", EnableTimestamps = false);
Acquire Data form XCP Server
Use the startMeasurement
function and stopMeasurement
function to run the DAQ list for a short period of time.
startMeasurement(xcpCh); pause(6); stopMeasurement(xcpCh);
Retrieve the Sine
Measurement Data
To retrieve the data acquired by the DAQ list for the Sine
measurement, use the readDAQList
function then retrieve the Sine
signal from the output DAQ list. There is one measurement list in the channel, so the index of the measurement list should be one.
DAQList = readDAQList(xcpCh); listIndex = 1; sineBeforeCalibration = DAQList{listIndex}.Sine;
Plot the Sine
Plot the Sine
measurement which applied the Gain
value. The Sine
measurement values reflect being boosted with the value of Gain
set to 2, as shown previously.
plot(sineBeforeCalibration, "o-"); title("Before Calibration Sine Signal"); xlabel("Data Point"); ylabel("Data Value");
Calibrate the Gain Characteristic
Write a new value to the characteristic Gain
using writeCharacteristic
, and perform a read to verify the change using readCharacteristic
. The new value of Gain
is 5, that means the Sine
measurement values will be boosted by the new Gain
value 5.
writeCharacteristic(xcpCh, "Gain", 5); newGain = readCharacteristic(xcpCh, "Gain")
newGain = 5
Obtain Measurement After Calibration
Acquire Data form XCP Server
Use the startMeasurement
function and stopMeasurement
function to run the DAQ list for a short period of time.
startMeasurement(xcpCh); pause(6); stopMeasurement(xcpCh);
Retrieve the Sine
Measurement Data
To retrieve the data acquired by the DAQ list for the Sine
measurement, use the readDAQList
function then retrieve the Sine
signal from the output DAQ list. There is one measurement list in the channel, so the index of the measurement list should be one.
DAQList = readDAQList(xcpCh); listIndex = 1; sineAfterCalibration = DAQList{listIndex}.Sine;
Plot the Sine
Plot the SineAfterCalibration
measurement against the SineBeforeCalibration
measurement. Now the Sine
measurement signal has higher amplitude, because the value of the characteristic Gain
is set to 5 after calibration.
plot(sineBeforeCalibration, "o-"); hold on; plot(sineAfterCalibration, "*-"); hold off; title("Sine Signal before Calibration vs after Calibration"); legend("Before", "After"); xlabel("Data Point"); ylabel("Data Value");
Calibrate the Characteristic 1-D Look-up Table
Look-up table is widely used in the industry for control parameters. So, the following section introduces how to calibrate the 1-D look-up Table using Axis xData
and Characteristic yData
in the XCP Sample server.
Read the current 1-D look-up table characteristic using readAxis
and readCharacteristic
, then plot the mapping. This table effectively maps input values to corresponding output values.
inputBreakpoints = readAxis(xcpCh, "xData")
inputBreakpoints = 1×8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
outputPoints = readCharacteristic(xcpCh, "yData")
outputPoints = 1×8
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
plot(inputBreakpoints, outputPoints); title("Initial 1-D Look-up Table Map"); xlabel("Input Value"); ylabel("Output Value");
Write new data points to the output of the 1-D look-up table using writeCharacteristic
writeCharacteristic(xcpCh, "yData", 103:110);
Read the new 1-D look-up table data using readAxis
and readCharacteristic
, then plot the mapping. Now the new yData
characteristic was set to higher values.
xData = readAxis(xcpCh, "xData"); newOutputPoints = readCharacteristic(xcpCh, "yData")
newOutputPoints = 1×8
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
plot(inputBreakpoints, outputPoints, "o-"); hold on plot(inputBreakpoints, newOutputPoints, "*-"); hold off; title("1-D Look-up Table Map before Calibration vs after Calibration"); legend("Before", "After"); xlabel("Input Value"); ylabel("Output Value");
Disconnect from the Server
To make communication with the server inactive, use the disconnect
function. The XCP server can be safely closed after disconnecting.
Clean Up
clear sampleServer a2lInfo