A répondu
Using only ‘stepfun’ in MATLAB, please perform mathematical operations to produce the following output
stepfun is obsolete now, and there is no documentation available for it. The only reference you will get is using help - help...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
How to convert one column from string to datetime
If you are using R2018b or a later version, you can use convertvars - %Random data for example ABC = table(rand(5,1), {'2014-...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Why does this function not work for decimals?
The formula you have used is incorrect. Refer to this webpage for (the taylor) expansion of arc tan for different values - http...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
Extract a specific range of rows from an excel file using opts = detectImportOptions(filename)
Specify the data range to be read using the 'Range' option - opts = detectImportOptions('tempDataTrollhFlygpl.xlsx', ... ...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Dealing data with text and numerical in .txt file
%display the contents of the file type data.txt %read the file fID = fopen('data.txt') %read the data in the given format - ...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
Welcome to the world of floating point numbers, where not all numbers can be represented exactly in binary form. See this threa...

2 mois il y a | 3

A répondu
How can I calculate the grouped data?
Dynamically naming variables is not a good programming practice - TUTORIAL: Why Variables Should Not Be Named Dynamically (eval)...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Finding intersecting points in the Lissajous scan pattern
There are several options available in FEX - https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11837-fast-and-robust-curve-i...

2 mois il y a | 2

A répondu
Retracting the time-tags from the histcounts
If you are working with R2019a or a later version, use readmatrix and writematrix. Otherwise, use writetable D=readmatrix('time...

2 mois il y a | 1

A répondu
Zeroing matrix elements outside of a certain range.
A simple approach via indexing - data = [1;2;3;4;5].*ones(5,2).*[0.5,0.4] out = [data(1:4,1) data(2:5,2)]

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
Algorythm for Average of excel data
data = readtable('S1IA.csv') %define bins to distribute bins in idx = 0:0.5:0.5*ceil(max(data.Time)/0.5); %Get the mean of ...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Converting entries from array to double from an entire column in a matrix for plotting
Change the options for reading the data via detectImportOptions and use column numbers to plot - opts = detectImportOptions('t...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
A = ["aaa 01" "bbb 02" "aaa 02" "bbb 03" "ccc 04"] %Number of characters from end to delete n = 3; B = extractBefore(A,...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Convert Julian Date + Time in GMT to calendar day + Time in EST
Note that I have changed the inputs YEAR and JDDD to numeric values as they are easier to work with - I changed the name to all...

2 mois il y a | 3

A répondu
Extracting a variable from a series of files contained inside a folder
Refer to this documentation page for importing and exporting multiple files - https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
How to make subplots bigger and title in one line?
Using tiledlayout here seems to be a better option, as it gives you a better control over the spacing and padding. Also, while ...

3 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
Poissons Equation with Point source
You can use inpolygon to see if the origin is inside the triangle or not and polyarea to calculate the area of the triangle - ...

3 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
How to group discontinuous numbers
load('Risk_values.mat'); whos idx = cumsum([1;diff(mediumRiskXValues)~=1]) out = accumarray(idx, mediumRiskXValues, [], @(x...

3 mois il y a | 1

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A répondu
Why do I get an error "Matrix dimensions must agree."
Why are you using a for loop for a task that is not changing with iterations? "Why do I get an error "Matrix dimensions must ...

3 mois il y a | 1

A répondu
how to do a legend with text, variables, and Greek symbols in it?
You can use the symbols as provided in the list here for the default interpreter (i.e. tex) - https://in.mathworks.com/help/matl...

3 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
fopen and fget reading lines from a text
You need to use the file ID as input to fgetl - fid = fopen('test.txt'); %lines to read num = 3; %Preallocate a cell ar...

3 mois il y a | 1

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A répondu
Using parfor to evaluate integrations
See - Array vs Matrix Operations xmin = -2; xmax = 1; ymin = 1; ymax = 3; dx = 0.001; dy = dx; xs = xmin:dx:xmax; Nx = ...

3 mois il y a | 2

A répondu
How do you get up to first n characters in a string?
A simple approach using extractBetween - s_arr = ["a";"ab";"abc";"abcd";"abcde";"abcdef";"xyzxyzxyz"] pos = 4; % pos = no. o...

3 mois il y a | 3

A répondu
How to set both yticks(left and right) in decimal values not exponential or scientific??
Use get on the axes handle to see its structure - You will find that the YAxis is stored as 2x1 Numeric Ruler (1 for each side)....

3 mois il y a | 0

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Beam me up, Scotty!
It's the mid 22nd century. You, Montgomery Scott, are appointed the chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise. The Starship is...

3 mois il y a | 1 | 7 solveurs

A répondu
index problem while sort
"ind=[2,1] is coming which is wrong." It is correct. The input to sort() only has 2 elements, so the expectation to get [3 1]...

3 mois il y a | 1

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A répondu
how to delete multiple cells at once?
First, concatenate the data to get it in a numeric array. See - horzcat As you are dealing with floating point numbers, compare...

3 mois il y a | 0

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Filtering the common rows between two matrices
Try this - A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [1 2 3 90; 3 1 2 88; 4 5 6 17; 6 5 4 19; 7 8 9 12; 15 18 22 20]; %sort each ro...

3 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
Syntax problem in creating a function which takes a vector as an argument
Use element-wise power - power, .^ and define the expression as an anonymous function - r_1 = 0.84 - 0.29i; r_2 = 0.84 + 0.29i...

3 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
How to apply for loop in case of product of function inside double summation?
That is simply the sum of product of pairs in the given index range for a and b, thus P can be defined like this - P = 1-sum((...

3 mois il y a | 0

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