Dealing data with text and numerical in .txt file
2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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I have a txt file containing some data as follows: how to visualize using Matlab? I request your suggestions.
"k: 0.1, omega_real: 20001, omega_imag: 11283.8
k: 0.30101, omega_real: 2208.33, omega_imag: 1245.35
k: 0.50202, omega_real: 794.574, omega_imag: 447.726
k: 0.70303, omega_real: 405.652, omega_imag: 228.301
k: 0.90404, omega_real: 245.711, omega_imag: 138.064
k: 1.10505, omega_real: 164.782, omega_imag: 92.404
k: 1.30606, omega_real: 118.247, omega_imag: 66.1498
k: 1.50707, omega_real: 89.0568, omega_imag: 49.6807
k: 1.70808, omega_real: 69.5509, omega_imag: 38.6757
k: 1.90909, omega_real: 55.8753, omega_imag: 30.9601
k: 2.1101, omega_real: 45.9183, omega_imag: 25.3424
k: 2.31111, omega_real: 38.4445, omega_imag: 21.1258
k: 2.51212, omega_real: 32.6919, omega_imag: 17.8803
k: 2.71313, omega_real: 28.1699, omega_imag: 15.329
k: 2.91414, omega_real: 24.551, omega_imag: 13.2872"
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Réponses (3)
Dyuman Joshi
le 17 Fév 2024
%display the contents of the file
type data.txt
%read the file
fID = fopen('data.txt')
%read the data in the given format - as the data is read in column order by fscanf,
%provide the dimensions i.e. 3 columns and all the rows, and transpose the final output
data = fscanf(fID, 'k: %f, omega_real: %f, omega_imag: %f\n', [3 Inf]).'
2 commentaires
Dyuman Joshi
le 17 Fév 2024
You're welcome!
If my answer solved your problem, please consider accepting the answer.
le 17 Fév 2024
T = readtable('data.txt', 'Delimiter',{' ',':',','}, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true)
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Star Strider
le 17 Fév 2024
I am not certain what you intend by ‘visualize’.
Perhaps this —
T1 = readtable('M I T 2024 02 17.txt', 'Delimiter',{',',':'})
Lv = varfun(@(x)~isnumeric(x),T1);
Ln = find(table2array(Lv));
k = find(table2array(varfun(@(x)contains(x,'k'), T1(1,Ln))));
Re = find(table2array(varfun(@(x)contains(x,'real'), T1(1,Ln))));
Im = find(table2array(varfun(@(x)contains(x,'imag'), T1(1,Ln))));
k = table2array(T1(:,Ln(k)+1));
Real = table2array(T1(:,Ln(Re)+1));
Imag = table2array(T1(:,Ln(Im)+1));
plot(k, Real, 'DisplayName','Real', 'LineWidth',2)
hold on
plot(k, Imag, 'DisplayName','Imag', 'LineWidth',2)
plot(k, abs(Real+1j*Imag), 'DisplayName','Abs', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
Ax = gca;
Ax.YScale = 'log';
legend('Location',' best')
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En savoir plus sur Text Data Preparation dans Help Center et File Exchange
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