Réponse apportée
Matlab HDL coder target frequency
The FFT HDL Optimized block & System object allow you to send 2^N samples per clock into the FFT. If you are able to get an FPGA...

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Réponse apportée
Discrete FIR Filter input port
As you have observed, all the coefficients are to be provided at the input interface. One way to do this would be to take each ...

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'vsim' requires HDL Verifier.
If you are trying to co-simulate MATLAB code and HDL code in ModelSim, you will need the HDL Verifier product to do so.

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LTE HDL MIB Recovery block explanation
The LTE Toolbox example on Cell Search has further information and MATLAB code that you can run. For the HDL implementation, yo...

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How do I call an FFT multiple times with HDL Coder: System Object Methods in Loops?
As shown in the example, the HDL FFT needs into the separated out into a separte design file. The example puts the HDL-optimized...

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Réponse apportée
Implementing scanning indow using HDL FIFOs
We have a block that does the windowing - please look at the Line Buffer block. I believe this will meet your needs.

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Réponse apportée
F-OFDM filtering for 5G
You are right - this is not a formal part of the 5G standard. You can look at this example to see how F-OFDM behaves vs. OFDM. ...

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how to plot 8 bit data which is receiving from FPGA by UART?
You can display this via the Logic Analyzer or Time Scope.

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Réponse apportée
Super Sample Rate FIR Resource Utilization
HDL code for the super-sample FIR Filters does optimize for powers of 2, zeros and symmetry. I've attached a simple model which ...

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Implementation of median filter on FPGA
Are you able to generate VHDL (which is the default), or is there an error during HDL code genration? The last section (Generat...

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Réponse apportée
Implementation of median filter on FPGA
Here is a link to an example of how to do this in Simulink.

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converting a vector input to scalar
The Signal From Workspace block should help you get your data into Simulink. https://www.mathworks.com/help/dsp/ref/signalfromw...

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Réponse apportée
CRC generation in HDL
You can set the CRC polynomial on the block and send in the bits either serially or multiple bits at a time based on your polyno...

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Réponse apportée
How to speed up a Simulink simulation of slow mechanics requiring a fast clock?
There are a wide variety of things you can do. The first thing to try is to run the model in Accelerator or Rapid Accelerator mo...

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Réponse apportée
Cosimulation Wizard and required toolboxes
You need the HDL Verifier product to use the Cosimulation Wizard.

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Réponse apportée
HDL Coder - reducing size of fixed-point variables
The number of bytes taken to store the fixed-point variable in MATLAB does not determine the number of bits in HDL. te number of...

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Réponse apportée
Generating VHDL code from MATLAB program using HDL generator
Is there a pattern to how x gets its value that you can utilize here? For example, if x is incremented by 1 all the time, or onl...

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Réponse apportée
"Abnormal exit: Can't find bus object 'pixelcontrol' in the MATLAB workspace" error in HDL Coder
Please try running the command pixelcontrolbus in the MATLAB command line.

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Réponse apportée
Why i do not get a fixed point out from a FFT HDL optimized block in simulink?
I may need the model to do further debugging. In the meantime, I created a simple FFT model in R2018b which seems to do the righ...

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Réponse apportée
Why i do not get a fixed point out from a FFT HDL optimized block in simulink?
Could you double click on the FFT block and send a snapshot of its parameters?

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HDL Coder doesn't create input for clock signal
Does your MATLAB code have states? You need to have some state in the MATLAB code to have resets and clocks. This is an example...

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What values to use for minimum blancking for a pixel streaming interface
Typical video interfaces (240p and higher resolution) will have sufficient blanking, so one way to go is to pick blanking requir...

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Réponse apportée
VariableSizeFFTHDLExample File Not found
The LTE HDL Toolbox product is required for this example.

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How to read an image in a simulink
Please look at the examples in Vision HDL Toolbox to see how to go about doing this. https://www.mathworks.com/help/visionhdl/e...

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使用Generate HDL Code from MATLAB Code Using the Command Line Interface时,显示错误使用 codegen
It appears that you need to set up the path to ISE. See teh function hdlsetuptoolpath for information on how to do this.

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Réponse apportée
Differences in Performance Between Simulink and Matlab FIRs
Attached is a model where I have taken your coefficients and ran them through fitler and the FIR Filter block. The numbers seem ...

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Differences in Performance Between Simulink and Matlab FIRs
Could you please pass along a complete script that runs? I think Fs=30e6 from your comments, but I do not have data defined.

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Réponse apportée
Differences in Performance Between Simulink and Matlab FIRs
I suggest using the the Discrete FIR Filter block with the coefficients you used for MATLAB. If that works, it is the easiest wa...

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Réponse apportée
How to use boolean to control switch with fixed point data.
S1 and S2 when they are assigned to mealy_state_reg likely need to be fixed point. Try using assignements as follows: mealy_st...

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Réponse apportée
RTL generation error: Signal rate of value inf found
If you turn on sample time colors in your model, you should be able to see where the inf sample time is being set.

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