
Can you place ui-components in uigridlayout using Name-Value pair input?
uif = uifigure; uig = uigridlayout('Parent', uif, ... 'ColumnWidth', repmat({'1x'}, 1, 5), ... ...

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Displaying the name of the moving text file in the animation
Suppose you import the conent of the .txt files by doing: filename = 'FrameXX.txt'; framData = readmatrix(filename); Then the...

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Réponse apportée
Finding self-locating loops in pi, receiving "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 50."
The error comes from the fact that 50 is the maximum number of digits for pi. You can have a proof of this by doing: nDigits =...

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I want to extract the temperature from the IR image at every pixel
You might want to take a look at imread and interp1.

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convert table to image
% Define example table: tab = table(rand(100)); % Convert table to array: arr = table2array(tab); % Display array: imsh...

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assigning leads to empty value
The function fe containts a function called whittakerM which is not explicit and it can't be derived. The problem originates f...

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legend is not copied in figure editor
I suggest you to do this programmatically. You can load your two figures with: f = openfig('filepath'); and merge them with ...

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Suppress output for yline?
As you can see the ans does not come from the piece of code you provided but must be somewhere else. The values appear to be co...

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Removing vertical lines in a piecewise function when discontinuty points are not known
EDIT: Thanks to @Torsten figure; tiledlayout(2,2); for N = 2 : 5 nexttile; f{1} = @(x)sin(2*pi*x); for i = 1...

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Réponse apportée
How to remove specific box lines in 3d plot?
Bit artificious but does the trick: z = 0:0.05:10*pi; x = cos(z); y = sin(z); figure; hold all; plot3(x,y,z) % Remove...

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Réponse apportée
Assign a value to a dictionary of dictionary
The impossibility of multiple indexing is a remarkable limitation that has also been discussed on the forum. Unfortunately, I d...

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How to find average of every 1024th row in a vector of 61441 rows? The result should be a 60 x 1 matrix.
Have a look at reshape and mean.

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appdesigner vs matlab app
Appdesigner doesn't run applications. It is a tool to develop GUIs, and writes some of the code for you. The main difference i...

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Réponse apportée
3D surface plot with thickness
You can't give thickness to plotted data, but you can plot the outisde surface with isosurface. Have a look at @darova answer f...

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The requested array exceeds the maximum allowed variable size
A double in Matlab occupies 8 bytes of memory and you are creating 3 cubic arrays with 83014^3 doubles. This corresponds to mor...

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Plotting funtion scalar, or character error
figure; ylabel('$\Gamma_I, \; R_{IC}$ (MJ/m$^3$)','FontSize',32,'Interpreter','latex') Or you can also use \frac{}{}.

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help with matlab code!
fs = 44100; % Sampling frequency Ts = 1/fs; % Time step t1 = 0 : 2*pi*Ts : 2*pi; x1 = square(t1); y1 = 0; for i = 1 : 8 ...

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Can't see quiver plot
Because there are too many arrows and they overlap, causing the automatic scaling to not display anything. Set the scale to 'of...

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Why is the Matches variable too large?
Because you initialise the variable matches two times You first set it as a vector, and then for each loop iteration you set it...

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Réponse apportée
A faster and more compact way to create a list of distances among all the pairs of points
N = 1e4; x = randi(10,N,1); y = randi(10,N,1); tic xIdx = repmat(1 : length(x), length(x), 1); yIdx = xIdx'; vectorIdx = (...

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Réponse apportée
How do show points on plane going through 3d plot
Not sure if I understood what you need. You can have plane transparency using 'FaceAlpha'. Is this helpful? Otherwise I ask yo...

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Réponse apportée
A faster and more compact way to create a list of distances among all the pairs of points
You can build the indeces without for loop: N = 5e2; x = randi(10,1,N); y = randi(10,1,N); % Loop method: tic; k = 1; f...

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Empty plot window pop up with App Designer
Your problem is that you are apparently initialising a new empty figure for no reason. Try to remove these two lines: fig1 = f...

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Réponse apportée
Why can't I use a 1x19 string to assign y-tick values on a barh plot?
You also have to setup the location of the ticks accordingly. In the following example I set the range of y axis between 0 and ...

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How can I plot a truss using cartesian coordinates with lines connecting specific points
nodes = [ 0.0 , 0.0; 1.5 , 3.3; 3.0 , 2.0; 4.5 , 3.9; 6.0 , 2.0; 7.5 , 3.3; 9.0 , 0.0]; elems = [ 1.0 , 2.0; 1.0 , 3.0; 2.0 , ...

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Réponse apportée
rectifyStereoImages Rotation Matrix output is coming out 3 x 4 instead of 3 x 3
It looks like you are missing two output arguments, so what you call R1 is actually camMatrix1. The default syntax of the fun...

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Réponse apportée
Make changes to a text file with numbers and text
str = fileread('hector_400km.txt'); lines = regexp(str, '\r\n|\r|\n', 'split'); for line = 20 : length(lines) modifiedD...

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Réponse apportée
trivial matrix question: how to rearrange matrices in a given order
A = reshape(1:3^3,3^2,[]) B = permute(reshape(A',[],3,3),[2,1,3]) A = reshape(B,[],3)

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Non linear fit of y=f[x] where y can have multiple values for a single value of x
You can't fit this because bijective mapping is required between x and y. Maybe this can hekp with your task. x = [1,2,3,2,4,6...

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