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Function handle restrictions for MATLAB Coder
The example from the documentation shows a single variable being reassigned to a different function handle. However, the other c...

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can't install the software
The following links might be of help to you https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/101078-why-do-i-receive-an-error-abo...

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Matlab Training Courses expiring
You can enroll and purchase MathWorks Training Classes through the MathWorks Webstore Browse the Customer Training Schedule and...

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Réponse apportée
Calling multiple live scripts from another script does not embed the output
When "run" GUI in the MATLAB Editor is used to run a live script, it embeds the output to the live script. When "run" function i...

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Réponse apportée
Error using the VideoReader Function in Pop OS 20.04
This is a known issue, and is fixed in R2020b As a workaround, you can set aside the libstdc++.so.6 file that ships with MAT...

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Réponse apportée
Can you please help with the following code to generate a energy level diagram?
The horizontal bar is missing for few cases because you are ploting the energy1 values instead of energy2 values for few cases. ...

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Réponse apportée
Cross-Sectional Area at Ports in Simscape
In general, "Cross-sectional area of port A/B" represents the area of the connection to that block. The cross-sectional area at ...

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Réponse apportée
Matlab Variable Naming For Another Variable
You can make use of the following piece of code for i=1:3 eval(['A' num2str(i)]) end But there are many disadvantages of...

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Réponse apportée
Error in custom reset function while trying to run Cart Pole example
Hi, From my understanding, you are trying to run the entire provided code in a single script. As mentioned in the link, the cus...

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Access to self pace blocked
If you are enrolled in a Self Paced training and you need additional time to complete this training due to extenuating circumsta...

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Cannot install MatLab 2020a University total headcount license Gtk-Message: 10:28:25.912: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Ubuntu 20.04/Pop!OS 20.04
GTK is a toolkit used for creating GUIs. Most of the default Ubuntu desktop, and the GNOME desktop environment, is developed us...

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Réponse apportée
plotting of two datasets of different length with similar look as heatmaps/colormaps
Hi, The following piece of code might be of help to you % This code can be optimized but it is elaborated for better understan...

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Réponse apportée
How to fix the Problem about MPC Controller Toolbox in Simulink?
The reason might be because you are trying to design MPC Controller without specifying MPC object. In order to do that, you migh...

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Réponse apportée
Why is MATLAB using 12% CPU at idle?
The issue is specific to system settings, or due to a third party software installed in the system. Many products in MATLAB rel...

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Impulse response acoustic information calculator
varargin is an input parameter given to a function definition statement in order to accept any number of input arguments. For e...

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How can i read mjpeg video?
'updateTimestamp' is not triggered in Linux which is why isNumFramesAvailable is 0. And that is the reason why NumFrames is alwa...

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Réponse apportée
deploy c++ shared library, generated from matlab, in cpp
These link errors might occur because Visual C++ by default builds projects to target 32 bit platforms however you are using a 6...

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Is there a way to use the logged user information from the new Web App Server, inside an app? Like the name of the user on the right top corner?
You can make use of the following commands for user information getenv('UserName') getenv('UserProfile') getenv('UserDomain')...

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Meaning UL and ULL in Code Generation?
The data types that are generated depend on the target platform and compiler. UL here stands for unsigned long datatype and ULL ...

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Réponse apportée
Bug in TabGroup appearance in AppDesigner (R2019b)
This is a bug. I have brought this issue to the notice of our developers and will try to fix it in future releases.

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vartestn error line 272
Are you trying to use the Levene's tests for data with a single group?

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libSVM problem related to Compiler in MATLAB2017b , Window 8 (64 bit)
This error may be due to a corrupt installation of the MinGW compiler. To solve this issue, please re-install MinGW: https://i...

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Réponse apportée
How to execute C++ scripts and functions which I need to call from MATLAB (2019a) scripts/functions?
To create and use a MEX file, you may need to: Determine and install a supported compiler for your MATLAB release. Execute 'me...

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Réponse apportée
libSVM problem related to Compiler in MATLAB2017b , Window 8 (64 bit)
You may search for "MATLAB Support for the MinGW-w64 C/C++ Compiler" in the MATLAB Add-ons menu. You can then install the suppor...

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Réponse apportée
Using Matlab compiler which(filename) can not locate file
I tried generating executable for the following piece of code in MATLAB R2020A function code() filename = 'abc.m'; str = whic...

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Réponse apportée
Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'struct'. netcdf files
In the provided code the resultant variable 'ncFilename' is of struct datatype. By doing this ([myFolder ncFilename]) operation ...

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Réponse apportée
Bug in TabGroup appearance in AppDesigner (R2019b)
This looks like an expected behavior. When you first create TabGroup_parent, the highlighted region will be around the TabGroup_...

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Error in fmincon - getIpOptions is coming as unrecognized function or variable
The file 'getIpOptions.m' should be stored in the directory identified below. You can run this line of code which should open th...

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Réponse apportée
Finding segmented triangle area of polygon
You can make use of the following code to capture the area of each triangle and also to find the area of entire polygon functio...

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How do I create a single square wave of variable duty cycle and length.
From my assumption, you are trying to generate a square wave which looks like in the below image, when length_of_wave is 100, nu...

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