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How can I extract sets of data (coordinates for each plot) from multiple plots in one figure??
Refer the Following links for extracting data from MATLAB figures and multiple plots. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/a...

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Tilde character underneath a letter in Matlab charts
The following code may be able to help you. ylabel('$\stackrel{a}{\tilde{}}$','Interpreter','latex');

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GA optimization within constraints
Maximization can be achieved by multiplying the desired function with -1 and then using the minimization approach using Genetic ...

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How to create a simple Agent Based Model with Simulink
SimEvents toolbox can be used for modelling the proposed scenario. Refer SimEvents Examples to see illustrations of various scen...

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Points to STL file
stlwrite user a triangulation object has one its parameter. Refer triangulation for making a triangulation object from the dat...

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Extract multiple tables of different lengths from word document
Extraction of data from a table in word document can be done using Text Analytics Toolbox. Refer the following links for readin...

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Trajectory input manipulation for Simulink model
Driving Scenario Designer can be used to simulate driving systems. Set the waypoints to specify the desired path. To dynamically...

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How to log a block in simulink-model programmatically?
Simulink doesn’t support block logging. Rather one can log the signals coming out of the blocks for all required purposes.

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Are SimScape models idealistic or realistic?
Realistic models can be created using Symscape by setting appropriate Block parameters, initial conditions and understanding the...

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Testmanager, How is it possible to sort testcases within testsuite?
Test case can be rearragned inside a test suite. Following code sorts the test cases in descending and random order. s = matl...

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Processing of LiDAR point cloud data
Use pcread to read point cloud from PLY or PCD file. And extract the selected portion of data points using findPointsInROI. An t...

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Matlab Mobile: Plot a walking path in cartesian
The entire code looks fine.Just a minor mistake in using geodeticenu function. Use geodetic2enu instead for getting the desired ...

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How to warp texture onto a part of an object (for example the cylinder) ?
One possible workaround will be to rotate the image using imrotate and then use warp function for wrapping around the cylinder...

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How to plot a time series contour with several unequal matrix?
A simple way will be to concatenate all the matrixes vertically as all of them have the same number of columns. This can be done...

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I have trouble in using Driving Scenario Designer.
I have heard that this issue is known and the concerned parties may be looking into it.

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So i wanted a dynamic way to read 3 files from these folders with extensions .w1 , .w2 and .hdr into variables.
One possible way is to store all the targeted folders inside the directory in a variable using dir function. Loop in each folder...

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Réponse apportée
Make an app using GUIDE and for loops
Following link has an example related to getting a GUI updated on running of a loop: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/a...

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simulate stock prices using standard normal distribution
Following link illustrate a method to simulate equity prices. https://www.mathworks.com/help/finance/example-simulating-equity...

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How to get detect if something is moving in a live webcam preview and get the distance moved every 3 seconds?
Computer Vision Toolbox can be used for detecting and tracking objects. Any specific object can be detected by training a class...

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Replace code for subsystem
A custom subsystem can be made into an atomic subsystem. Check Treat as atomic unit in Block Parameters of the atomic unit for e...

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Power fit with 3 parameters
As per the code from a given value of X, we get three values of Y, this can be done by using fit function for all three correspo...

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Reading a video in MATLAB and plotting the trajectory of robot in each frame
A possible work around would be to get frames of the video using VideoReader Object and reading the Video. v = VideoReader('fil...

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Fitness function for GA flowshop optimization problem
Following link may help you in solving the question. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/62653-flowshop-sched...

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How to send data to Arduino MKR1010 via wifi In Simulink
WiFi UDP Send and WiFi UDP Receive Blocks in Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware ( Supported on MKR 1010 ) can be used...

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How to create Phasor Matlab/Simulink model of the smart inverter (DC to AC)
Inverter( Three-Phase ) and Inverter( Five-Phase ) in Simscape can be used for the stated purpose. Use PS-Simulink and Simulink...

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Draw partial spheroid include a spheroid
Following code may be used as an alternative to draw a sphere. Theta and Phi can be varied to get the desired result. R=10; P...

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Data Acquisition Tool Box App with Analog Discovery 2
Refer https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/329184-cannt-find-analog-discovery2-daq-device?s_tid=answers_rc1-1_p1_BOTH...

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Does any one know how to incoporate regen braking into an electric vehicle model
In regenerative braking kinetic energy of driving electric vehicle is transferred to the motor, achieving the energy regenerativ...

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How do I integrate a circuit with the multibody toolbox in Simscape?
Simulink-PS Converter should be used before feeding the output of the circuit to the magnets in case the circuit output is not a...

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Sound analysis with arduino and Matlab
Install the Arduino software package in MATLAB using command supportPackageInstaller this starts the Support Package Installer f...

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