
Convert integers from base 10 to proper primary notation
This problem is the companion to Cody Problem 60782. The proper primary system of expressing numbers has three digits: m, x, and...

3 mois il y a | 0 | 3 solveurs


Convert integers from proper primary to base 10
The proper primary system of expressing numbers has three digits: m, x, and p, which correspond to -1, 0, and 1. The places in a...

3 mois il y a | 0 | 7 solveurs


Express integers in negabinary
Negabinary numbers are written in base -2. For example, the negabinary number 11010 is , or 6 in base 10. In a similar way, -3 i...

3 mois il y a | 0 | 5 solveurs


Play Hocus Focus
The card game Hocus Focus starts by placing twelve cards with wizards face up on a table. The characteristics of the wizards tha...

3 mois il y a | 1 | 9 solveurs

A résolu

Simple addition
Add two numbers using a funciton

3 mois il y a


Complete hydraulic geometry relations
Hydraulic geometry relations express the velocity , width , and depth of a river as a function of the discharge (or flow) , whi...

3 mois il y a | 0 | 7 solveurs

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3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

A résolu

Given the position of different chess pieces on the chessboard, figure out whether castling is valid or not in the next move (wh...

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4 mois il y a

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4 mois il y a

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4 mois il y a

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4 mois il y a

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4 mois il y a

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String permutations on phone keyboard
Given a number such as 2639 return all possible string permutations using the phone-keyboard on Problem 1069. input = 78 outpu...

4 mois il y a


Identify points inside a Reuleaux triangle
Write a function to identify points that lie in or on a Realeaux triangle, which is a curve of constant width. The input to the ...

4 mois il y a | 1 | 4 solveurs


Determine whether a number is a Ludic prime
Ludic numbers are formed by a sieve. Start with a list of the positive integers. Skip 1 and start with 2. Then delete every seco...

4 mois il y a | 1 | 5 solveurs

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Forward Elimination for Gauss Elimination
Perform forward elimination for a given pivot column in the augmented matrix, Ab=[A,b]

4 mois il y a

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Generate Hadamard Matrix without using hadamard function
In mathematics, a Hadamard matrix, named after the French mathematician Jacques Hadamard, is a square matrix whose entries are e...

4 mois il y a

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2048 Next Move
Given a board in the game 2048 (see the game here: < 2048>) and a direction ('up','down','...

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Combinations using Stirling numbers of the second kind
Output the number of ways to distribute n labelled balls among k identical boxes (some of which might be empty). Example: ...

4 mois il y a

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Given Hypotenuse points create two right triangles
Given two points defining a hypotenuse create two right triangles of (h,5,R). Return the two (x,y) points that create the right ...

4 mois il y a

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switch base
Input an integer, switch its base. Input is a string, so is output.

4 mois il y a

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Sample from random roulette
Given a list of values and their probabilities sample 10,000 values. Example: x = [1 2 3 4 5]; prob = [0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2] ...

4 mois il y a

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Define the higher order function - foldl
Given a binary function f, a starting value a, and a list (row vector) xs of values, the higher order function foldl folds the f...

4 mois il y a

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three digits
Input three digits no larger than 4,say 1,2 and 3, write the possible largest number composed(concatenation and power) only by t...

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