
System Object Variable Size Tuneable Properties
I am new to system objects, but need to develop one to do some stream processing of incoming data. Part of the algorithm I am de...

environ 3 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
How to 3D plot a circle with radius of 1 in x y and sine wave in z?
Try this: %Position of center of chip in 3D space x0 = 1; y0 = 1; z0 = 1; r = 1;%Radius of chip d_theta = 2*pi/60; %Diff...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 2

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
The 'matlab.mixin.Copyable' class does not support code generation.
I got around this by creating a 'copy' method for my class. Here is a simple example. classdef myobj < handle % used to be mat...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0


Custom object class array initilization within Simulink Matlab Function Block
The summary of my question is I need know how to preallocate an array of custom objects in a way that is compatible with Simulin...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Create a new array by summing the columns of old array
By calling up the matrix elements using their linear indices and skipping by the number of rows in your matrix you can do what y...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Adding transparency to one contour plot based on another contour plot
My understanding is that this isn't supported. In the past I have done a surface plot, changed the transparancy, and then change...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 2

Réponse apportée
Make transparent contourf plot
One work around is to plot a surface and change the view. Here is an example data = rand(100,100); surf(data,'EdgeColor','None...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0


Livescipt Potential Bug: Can't add code, sections, etc. Only text.
I am running Matlab R2020b on a macOS Catalina. I have had this problem a couple of times now with my Livescripts. I will be wor...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0




Arrays from object properties within object arrays
I want to know if there is an efficent way to extract an array of values from properties of objects in an object array. Let's sa...

environ 4 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0




Live Script Compatibility with Matlab Mobile
I have a live script I uploaded to Matlab Online and I can see it in Matlab mobile, but it is grayed out and I can't run it. Thi...

plus de 4 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Why does the app not resize properly for different screen resolutions in App Designer?
I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but I was having a similar problem and recently discovered the 'Scrollable' ...

presque 5 ans il y a | 7


App Designer Reflow of Items within Tabs
I have a tab group that is my highest level of organization in my app. Within each tab, I have a series of panels that I would l...

presque 5 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 1




Performance difference for plotting direction?
I found a very odd behavior that I'd like some help on. When plotting large vectors in matlab, there appears to be a MAJOR perfo...

environ 5 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Unable to create a standalone application.
I had this problem as well with the following error: Update resource failed: 110 Failed to create the web based instal...

environ 5 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Read UDP packets asynchronously from Simulink in MATLAB
I belive you need to use the function handle for myfunction u = udp('', 25000); u.ReadAsyncMode = 'continuous'; fope...

environ 5 ans il y a | 0


Potential Bug with App Designed to Create Subplots of Polar Axes?
I am trying to programmatically generate a set of polar subplots in my Matlab application. It seems to work almost perfectly, bu...

environ 5 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Add-On Explorer currently unavailable
I was having a problem with this on my Mac running R2018b. I was able to get to the 'Add-On Explorer' by: 1. Clicking the 'Add-...

plus de 5 ans il y a | 0


How do I control/view colorbar axis width?
I need to know how to read the width of a colorbar including its axis labels. I am trying to configure the position of my colorb...

plus de 5 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 1




Can you set a plot property as an equation?
I would like to set up a property as an equation. This could apply to a figure, axis, etc. property, but I am specifically inter...

presque 6 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0




Problems with scipy package import when using mwpython
I have created a Python package with MATLAB Compiler SDK (R2018a). I have been able to include that package and execute function...

presque 6 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0




How does Python package generated in Matlab allow for "import matlab"?
I am developing a Python package from my Matlab functions using Matlab Compiler SDK within R2018a. I used this <https://www.math...

presque 6 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0




Problem with contourf plotting
I seem to have a problem with the contourf function. The data I am plotting (see attached) seems to plot fine with the 'surf' co...

presque 10 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Increase grid resolution when printing/saving eps
I figured this out myself. Download fixPSlinestyle.m from Matlab File exchange here.

environ 11 ans il y a | 1

| A accepté


Increase grid resolution when printing/saving eps
I am trying to save eps graphics for insertion into Latex documents. To do this I scale the figure using: set(figure_handle,...

environ 11 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0

