Réponse apportée
What do I have to put in cameraParameters in order to for showExtrinsics to work?
You need the intrinsics too.

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How to export the video with tracked objects?
You can use |insertObjectAnnotation| to "burn" bounding boxes with labels into the video frames, and you can use |vision.VideoFi...

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Is there a way to use a detectfeatures function without converting an image to grayscale?
Currently, all point feature detectors in the Computer Vision System toolbox work on grayscale images. If you want to somehow u...

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combining two human detection methods
To combine these two methods, you first have to run the image through both detectors. That will give you two sets of bounding bo...

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imagePoints matrix and boardSize is different for two images for same checkerboard.
Hi Naseeb, The problem here is that |detectCheckerboardPoints| does not detect the checkerboard correctly 100% of the time. T...

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How to improve stereo camera calibration?
Hi Priya, To fix this problem you have to take more calibration images with the checkerboard close to the edges of the image....

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How to improve stereo camera calibration?
Hi Priya, It would help if you could post your calibration images. From what you've written it sounds like your cameras may b...

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How to remove shadow from frames extracted with foreground detector?
One thing to try is to convert the video frame to a color space like HSV or YCbCr, and then only feed the chroma channels into t...

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Help To Crop Dilated Images
I would use |regionprops|. It can compute many shape parameters, such as area, perimeter, eccentricity, etc. You can probably co...

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Why rectifyStereoImages gives error in Matlab2015 ?
This is a known bug, which occurs for high-resolution images. Please see the <https://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/searc...

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is it possible to detect the foreground in an single image using matlab? expecially i want to detect the car in an image. if yes please tell me the approriate method to detect the car in an image.
Yes it is possible, although difficult. For example, <https://suryatejacheedella.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/car-detection-in-matla...

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I have been looking at the Motion-Based Multiple Object Tracking and was wondering if there was any way a live webcam feed could be used as the video file?
You can certainly get the video from a webcam instead of a file. Please see the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/f...

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X, Y and Z co-ordinates from 3D point cloud are not accurate. Showing considerable error in X co-ordinates.
Hi Naseeb, First, based on what you wrote, I would guess that you may be confusing camera 1 and camera 2. According to your |...

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Feature extraction metric calculation for image classification
This is strange... You should not have been able to use BRISK descriptors with |bagOfFeatures| at all. BRISK descriptors are bin...

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How to directly specify rotation and translation matrices for camera parameter object
If you are ultimately trying to create a |stereoParameters| object, then the extrinsics in the individual |cameraParameters| do ...

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Human detection using svm and hog and counting
If you must do this from scratch, then you are going to have to implement the sliding window search. You slide a rectangle of a ...

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Réponse apportée
How to achieve real-time human silhouette and movement detection?
You can use |vision.ForegroundDetector| in the Computer Vision System Toolbox.

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multiscale MSER feature extraction?
Use the |detectMSERFeatures| function.

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What is an alternatice to the Estimate geometric transform function for older versions of matlab?
You should be able to user |vision.GeometricTransformEstimator| instead.

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People tracking in real time
Hi Biswas, You have several options here. You can try the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47105-detect-a...

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How to compute stereo parameters if both left and right camera parameters are already known
What you seem to be missing here is the rotation and translation between the two cameras. If you can somehow compute that, then ...

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i need a coding to detect the cars in an images
You can try <https://suryatejacheedella.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/car-detection-in-matlab/ training your own car detector> using ...

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Réponse apportée
Calibration of Three or More Cameras
There are no built-in functions for calibrating 3 or more cameras together. What I would do is first calibrate each camera sepa...

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Réponse apportée
MATLAB camera calibrator to calibrate KinectV2
Hi Sudeera, Could you post a sample image? Off the top of my head, I would suggest you try using a very bright lamp to illu...

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Stereo camera calibration references
Hi Farshid, Could you please be more specific? To what exactly were you comparing the Stereo Camera Calibrator? To a previo...

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Réponse apportée
how to install computer vision tool box in MATlab?and how to read image file using computer vision tool box?
Computer Vision System Toolbox is a separate product. You would have to buy it from Mathworks. You can use the |imread| funct...

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Réponse apportée
To find out the X, Y and Z co-ordinates from 3D point cloud.
Hi Naseeb, If you trying to find the 3D coordinates of a particular object in the scene, then you need to be able to detect i...

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Single Camera Calibration APP question
Unfortunately, sometimes the checkerboard detetction algorithm fails. In this particular case, you can avoid this problem by usi...

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Collecting Image Dataset into a variable dimension mismatch problem
If you are trying to store 15 RGB images of size 64 x 128 x 3, the |tran_x| should have the size [64,128,3,15], exactly like you...

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How to know the detected face is of which frame in a matlab code of face detection and how to save first and last frame.
Use an if statement to check if |bbox| is empty. If it is empty, then no face is detected. If not, then a face is detected.

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