Réponse apportée
symmetric solutions of linear matrix equations
If you have tthe optimization toolbox % Generate test matrices n = 3; A = randn(n); X=rand(n); X = X+X.'; B = X*A; % Add s...

4 mois il y a | 0

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how to multiply every single element in a matrix to entire of another matrix?
x = [100,500,900,1300,1700; 120,600,1080,1560,2040; 140,700,1260,1820,2380; 160,800,1440,2080,2720; 180,900,...

4 mois il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
symmetric solutions of linear matrix equations
% Generate test matrices n = 5; A = randn(n); X=rand(n); X = X+X.'; B = A*X; % Add small noise to B B = B + 1e-1*randn(siz...

4 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
polyfit step by step or analytics
polyfit is the mfile you can step through in debugging mode. If you call with one outout argument (non normalized) it build van...

4 mois il y a | 0

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Inserting 0 in sparse matrices without changing sparsity pattern?
Is it possible to tell MATLAB to not change the sparse matrix, but instead treat inserted zeros as any other value? Short answ...

4 mois il y a | 1

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How to fix my linear fit model?
Assuming you know where to split the data for left and right lines: x = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ......

4 mois il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
How to fix my linear fit model?
This returns the piecewise linear function that is continuous at the break point. The correct break point is close to 18.6054 a...

4 mois il y a | 1

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strcmp gives a 0 while it should be a 1
Look more carefully: There is a 'c' before '49' in A but not in B

4 mois il y a | 0

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Basic FFT Question: What range to sample the function in.
" However I am under the impression that the fft should not be sensitive to this change. " Your expectation in incorrect When y...

4 mois il y a | 0

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getfield to get values from an entire struct array?
Create 1 x 3 struct array with field named 'afield' s = struct('afield', {11 12 13}) s(1) s(2) s(3) % Here is the command t...

4 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
express basis spline derivative in terms of interpolation values
x = [1 2 3 4 5]; y = randn(size(x)); k = 5; f = spapi(k,x,y); B = spapi(k,x,eye(length(x))); fdd = fnder(f, 2); Bdd = ...

4 mois il y a | 0

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Use MATLAB Coder to convert matlab code to mex without using multi-threading

4 mois il y a | 0

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How to get all possible combination With the total number of possible combination for "n" variables that can take different values
Checkout similar thread https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/476022-how-to-pick-up-all-combination-of-numbers-from-m...

4 mois il y a | 0

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Possible issues with solving iterative linear systems with mldivide
"Is there a way to see the matrix solver steps to see which expressions might have an issue?" No they are LAPACK/BLAS based cod...

4 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Sparse matrix vector product returns null.
"What can cause this issue?" Nothing. What you claim likely would not happen. Unless if you show an example.

4 mois il y a | 0

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How to define if/else non linear constraint in an optimization problem
Simply solve three different optimization pbs with the three repectively constraints independently and ignore the two other, the...

4 mois il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
How to use loop to fill in specific numbers?
T = combinations(1:4,1:8) % for alder release that does not support combinations [v1 v2] = meshgrid(1:4,1:8); v1 = v1(:); ...

4 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Error With Least Squares Approximation
Few other recommendations beside what Torsen and John altrady told you: Lower the polynomial order, do not go above 7, But you ...

4 mois il y a | 0

A soumis

Free-knot spline approximation
Least squares approximation of 1D data using free-knots spline

4 mois il y a | 11 téléchargements |



ANY and ALL with NaN array
According to any documentation page, it " determines if any element is a nonzero number". OK to me NaN is nonzero number so I do...

4 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
Make histogram from multiple cells.
% Generate dummy test data C=arrayfun(@(varargin)randn(5+randi(20),24), 1:30, 'unif', 0); A=cell2mat(C(:)); % m x 24, like c...

4 mois il y a | 0

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My First Derivative is not correctly calculated in matlab
syms yApprox(X1) a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 yApprox = a0 + a1.*X1 + a2.*(X1).^2 + a3.*(X1).^3+ a4.*(X1).^4 + a5.*(X1).^5 + a6.*(X1).^...

4 mois il y a | 0

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for loop vectorization of De Boor algorithm
Old question, but I'll reply it for future readers that wonder how to tackle the same problem. I did a quick and dirdty vectori...

4 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Increase plot speed in MATLAB
Try to look at animatedline command Also look at drawnow with or without limitedrate option, it somewhat has certain effect, ev...

4 mois il y a | 0

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Error calculating inverse for matrix block of LU decomposition of a full row rank matrix
It's a little bit perturbant, but reading the lu doc I don't see why U1 must have the same rank than U (or A, meaning 100 on you...

4 mois il y a | 0

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de boor bspline algorithm
A very late answer, but as I deal myself with de Boor algorithm I look what exists out there. If the question concerns the 3D a...

4 mois il y a | 0

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For a repeated eigenvalue only one eigenvctor is being returned
Indeed in case of eigenvalue with multiplicity > 1; the problemie is numerical challenging and MATLAB might fail to find the cor...

4 mois il y a | 0

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How "chol" and "qz" MATLAB algorithms are utilised in the "eig" MATLAB function?
See stage 3 described in https://netlib.org/lapack/lug/node56.html or somewhere in this file

4 mois il y a | 0

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steps to convert spline from B-form to pp-form (fn2fm)
The pp-form stores the polynomial of each each subiterval, the variable is x := (t-ti) where ti is the left knot of interval #i....

4 mois il y a | 0

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How to extract a matrix of values from cell array of cell arrays of structs
Generate data (Thanks Voss) n1 = 3; n2 = 4; mse = cell(1,n1); for ii = 1:n1 mse{ii} = cell(1,n2); % row vector for...

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