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display the data points to a boxplot
The boxplot is not plotted against the correct x-values. The inserted x-array is treated as the grouping variable and the ticks ...

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How can I convert tables to array, given that these tables contain variables with similar variable names?
It is unclear if you want to output an array or a table, but the nature of the error message suggests that you're trying to comb...

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Réponse apportée
Converting the Domain of an Array
Read about scatteredInterpolant and post some data if you need help. Using meshgrid and griddata would probably suffice, but you...

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polarplot and colormap in polar coordinate
I don't know if there's a built in function for this. For scattered data you could use polarscatter(strike2(:), dip2(:), [],DPp...

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How to plot lines instead of symbols in loop
The problem is that you are plotting one data point at a time, which means that each point gets a separate handle and is thus no...

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Réponse apportée
plot subplots axes configuration
Try this. You can set 'xtick' to [], if you want to retain only the labels. out = load('tvect.mat'); tvect = out.tvect; for i...

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Frustrating datetime and datestr
Not sure why you'd want to convert from datetime to datestr, but here's your solution: datestr(t,'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')

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How to get correlation for multiple columns
Why not just calculate the entire correlation matrix, and then extract the first row or col? cm = corr(X) c1n = cm(:,1) ...

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How to get different colours in a matrix with imagesc?
I made an attempt at fixing your code. What you describe with colors is for RGB images, to display with *imshow* not *imagesc*. ...

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Réponse apportée
creating an equal lateral triangle in matrix
You could do something like this: poly = polyshape([1 2 1.5],[1 1 2]) plot(poly) set(gca,'xcolor','none','ycolor','no...

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Réponse apportée
Bound fill between two bounds, data given
Should be easy using either *fill* or *polygon*. Just make sure you close the curve by flipping one of the bounds. For example: ...

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Réponse apportée
Plotting points on a 2D filled contour?
Not sure I understand the question, but you should be able to do that easily by using contourf and scatter. For example, let...

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Réponse apportée
Unique color for every plot line
Here's an example that will give you truly unique colors from a colormap of your choice. % Create 10 data series XY...

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How to display very clearly CT image in Mathlab?Any suggestion?
Perhaps this will solve your problem, imshow(I,[]) ↑

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Réponse apportée
Trouble calling files using dir command
I'm not surprised it does not work. The variable DBImages should probably be assigned a string at some point prior to calling *d...

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Creating a Regular Delanuy Triangulation.
The triangulation is not where your problem is. Before you triangulate, you need to have a grid, which you do not. Try plotting ...

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how should i define condition in for loop to get the index of a vector .?
It sounds like you should learn about <https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/math/array-indexing.html#d120e1410 logical indexing>...

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Réponse apportée
how can i divide a plot into ranges of different length
It's a bit unclear what you mean by the question. You could divide the set of data into segments using logical indexing. For exa...

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Interpolating latitudes and longitudes
*lat* and *lon* are your 5-km-resolution arrays and *v* (506x270) is the variable you want to interpolate. % create finer ...

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How to keep only the rows with a minimum value in a specific coloumn but with the same "date" value?
t = duration(A(:,1),A(:,2),A(:,3)) TT = timetable(t,A(:,end)) TT2 = retime(TT,unique(TT.t),'min') TT2 = 3×1 time...

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Réponse apportée
Indicating statistical significance on boxplot in matlab
It is exactly where you plotted it, why would you expect a different result? plot(mean(xt([2 3])), max(yt)*1.15, '*k') ...

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How to plot different data sets in Bar Horizontal Chart with different scale of X-Axes?
That axes on the bottom is just for show and lacks functionality. This line of code right here sets its height close to zero: ...

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Crop a circle from an image and put it on another image
You were almost there, and given the error message I think you could have figured it out :) *_"Integers can only be combined ...

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Making a monthly mean
Use datetime with <https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/retime.html retime> . Upload data for details.

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Cannot set marker edge thickness using the Linewidth property smaller than 1pt
After digging through the undocumented properties, here's how you change the marker edge thickness: LineHandle.NodeChildren...

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How do I create a rectangular piece image that can be positioned on a game board
I would just use textboxes. For example: A = repmat([repmat([1 0],1,5);repmat([0 1],1,5)],5,1) cmap = [0 0 0;1 1 1;1 0 0...

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How do I create an x by y grid and how do I color each grid section?
You could use pcolor, here's a checkerboard example A = repmat([repmat([1 0],1,10);repmat([0 1],1,10)],10,1) pcolor(A) ...

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How can I keep the date visible at the bottom of the graph?
xticks should not be a double vector if you use datetime, it should be a datetime vector. I would expect anything else to return...

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Plotting multiple objects on same axis
If you have the image processing toolbox available, then there is a one-line solution to your problem. viscircles([x,y],on...

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Réponse apportée
Colorbar in colormap with labels
There range in your plotted values are 2-10, and the colorscale is per default scaled so that the maximum (10) and minimum (2) a...

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