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Kryptos - CIA Cypher Sculpture: Vigenere Encryption
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kryptos Kryptos Sculpture> contains four encypted messages. This Challenge is to Encrypt tw...

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Morse Code Generator! Try it!
.... . .-.. .-.. --- . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . -.-.-- .-.. . - ... -.. --- ... --- -- . -- --...

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N-th permutation.
Let write some permutations of positive integers. 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 2: 2 1 3 4 ... 3: 1 3 2 4 ... ...

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Which permutation is it?
Let write some permutations of positive integers. 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 2: 2 1 3 4 ... 3: 1 3 2 4 ....

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Possible Outcomes of American Roulette
The payout for American roulette can be calculated by: payout = (38/n)-1 where n is the number of squares the bet covers. ...

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A (wrong) place for everything, and everything in its (wrong) place
You have an equal number of cups and balls, each labelled from one to N. You randomly place one ball in each cup. Determine th...

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Numbered lottery balls into cells
You are running a lottery, and have a number of different balls numbered 1 to N. Your job is to figure out how many different w...

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Put m balls into n boxes (again)
According to <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/1516-put-m-balls-into-n-boxes Cody Problem 1516>, if I put 3 ...

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Put m balls into n boxes
Can you find all the cases where, if I put 3 balls into 2 boxes the case is 1 1 1 1 1 2 1...

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Get ranking of a combination looking for speed.
I have the numbers pulled without replacement from the set [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13]; They are then ordered from least to...

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Get ranking of a combination
I have the numbers pulled without replacement from the set [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13]; They are then ordered from least to...

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Usage of java.math : N Choose K with unlimited precision
Calculate the binomial coefficient nchoosek with full accuracy. This challenge may use the wonderful word of java.math that allo...

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NCHOOSEK - Time Optimization
*Input* * *V* —— Set of all choices, a vector of N, 1 < N < 100 * *K* —— Number of selected choices, a scalar, 0 <= K <=...

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Combinations without using nchoosek
You have to generate a matrix with all possible combinations of n elements *taken 2* at a time, *without using nchoosek(1:n,2)* ...

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Create Combination
Motivation: In many problems, we need to create combinations with the function nchoosek. In some cases, however, choices are lim...

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Next lexicographic - permutation
Find next lexicographic - permutation (permutations as it would occur in a dictionary order). E.g: nextP('ABCD') = ABDC If you...

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Repopulate the City
For any population p of positive integers between pmin and pmax, we can calculate histogram count n for a list of evenly dividin...

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NO _________ ALLOWED....
So you're given a sentence where if there is a particular word in the sentence then the output is 1, if it is not there then the...

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Generate a melodic contour string matrix
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsons_code Parsons code> is a surprisingly effective way to identify music by its melodic motion...

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Make a list string
Given a cell string, produce a string separating the items with spaces and commas and with an 'and' preceding the final item, an...

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Abbreviate the given string. Consider Only Capital Letters. EXAMPLE If input is 'Abbreviation of The Given String' then ou...

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How many digits are there?
Input(s) - any string Output(n) - number of digits within string s

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Convert Two Character String into a Binary Vector
Given a string "XOXXO" convert it into a binary vector. [1 0 1 1 0] Paul Berglund implemented an optimal method in <http://ww...

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Is the paranthesis sequence balanced ?
Quantum mechanics and computer science are interested in <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bra%E2%80%93ket_notation bra-kets>. Today...

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Join Strings with Multiple Different Delimiters
The idea is to form the string S by interleaving the elements of a cell array of strings DELIMITER and another cell array of st...

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Simple Decoder Ring
The stereotypical _decoder ring_ is remembered as a cereal box prize from the 1950s. Kids learned about cryptography by startin...

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Eliminate Polysyllabics: Long live short words!
Given a string s1, return s2 in which all the words with more than one syllable have been removed. To make things simple, we ...

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Volume Pillar
Calculate the volume of a pillar with radius l and heigth ar.

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Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

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Perimeter of a semicircle
Given the diameter d, find the perimeter of a semicircle

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