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Help with Linear Mixed effects model formulas
For statistical questions, the first thing we ask is what the hypothesis is. From your equation, I guess you'd like to examine ...

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How can i export data from an 'edit text box' in app designer to an excel file?
I assume that you have properties linked to each of these values. In the callback, you can create a structure or a table involv...

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Réponse apportée
Is There a Way to Execute splitapply Functionality on Subtables of Master Table?
you'd better do this way: splitapply(@(x) sum(x, 1), T{:, 2:3}, G);

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mdl.Rsquared check https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/linearmodel.html for properties and methods related to linear regressio...

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What is the reference category in the output for a Fitlme with categorical variables and three-way interaction terms?
The table you copied isn't the default display from matlab, so it's difficult to tell anything from there. It's like an ANOVA ou...

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Reduce function if concatenated intermediate results doesn't fit in memory
I'm trying to decode a huge dataset of rougly 500k*10k size. What I'm doing is actually load the file into a datastore, replace ...

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Reading EEG data downloaded from University of Bonn
This is a single channel EEG database. Each zip file has 100 txt files. Each txt file has 4096 samples . What does this mean ? ...

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custom labels for errorplot
using annotation annotation('textbox', pos, 'String', str, 'FitBoxToText', 'on'); pos is the position where you want to put th...

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Réponse apportée
How to find the max value of amplitude in Fast Fourier Transform function?
I believe it is correct. you can always test it by plotting them. plot(freq, SSAS); hold on; plot(freq_max, SSAS_max, 'ro'); a...

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MATLAB does not recognize the matrix
qlt_pts = u(kk) * score(kk); your score is a char array. so what do you want this multiplication to give you?

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Converting these 5 lines of MATLAB code to C++?
As creating a vector that increments by 3. So is the first line creating an array of values that starts at one, increments by 2,...

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How can I check if a table contains numbers only?
I guess your question re the x-values isn't quite clear. For the first part of your question, it is tricky to determine whether...

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Réponse apportée
read table handling column of number values as column of strings
you could call detectImpactOptions first, and modify format from there before readtable. https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/...

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Incremental indexing to create an array
using diag(list_of_distances, -1) to get the diagonal you want.

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audio extraction from individual/selective data column.
% it seems from the screenshot that your data is n by 2 matrix % thus length(data) only gives you n % endSample = length(data)...

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Sort a cell array based on average of one cell column/row, then sort the structure
I thought I answered this question... anyway, this is less clearer than the other one you asked. See example below % generated ...

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Réponse apportée
Export many data into the same excel file.
for i = 1 : nExtracted_files [data,samp_rate] = audioread(Extracted_files(i).name); % different files may have d...

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Réponse apportée
Mean of cell array containing matrices
Not sure what do you mean by "re-sort the cell array according to the means" as you have two means corresponding to each cell. B...

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How to explore off diagonal elements in matrices without avoiding the for loop?
Not sure if many matrices share the same size. Anyway if you store these matrices in a cell you prob have a chance using cellfun...

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how do I convert this to a for loop
% your while loop x = input('Enter a number between 1 and 100: '); i = 0; while x>0 x=x-i; i=i+1; end fprintf('T...

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Update a value class property only if required
I think my solution works if you reset your update_required within your if...end block. See classdef myclass properties ...

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Why does my loop only run once
I assume that your parameter n is a scalar? If you want to let your script loop from 1 through n, you use for i = 1:n.

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How do I extract specific data from an array inside a cell array using indexing?
d = cellfun(@(x) x(3), B); d gives you the third element from all cells. You can index into d to find those that correspond to ...

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Applying zero padding and windowing in my code
Based on your code, no zero padding is done and no window function is applied. To do this, you can give fft a second input for f...

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Outputting an equation with variables and text
a=0.9; %CH4 reactant b=0.2; %H2O reactant c=0.1; %CO2 reactant d=1.8; %O2 reactant e=2; %H20 product f=1; %O2 product fp...

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How to sum up numbers in time series from .txt file
Load it using readtable. And do a splitapply or rowfun. tbl = readtable('test.txt', 'ReadVariableNames', 0); tbl.Properties....

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Problem with find or floating point issue
There is always some tricky things with floating precision. Usually it solves thing if you make the comparison by determining if...

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How can I sum every nth row?
Just a comment that this could be done without involving a cell, which is the least type that I'd like to use among others. A =...

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Array indices must be positive integers or logical values error in a loop.
I doubt it even could finish once as you are indexing C_PS(0), and t(0), and z(0). Didn't check very carefully but I think if yo...

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python to matlab [1,x] form question
why don't you zscore the x_mat first and add your column vector of all ones, although I don't quite understand why you want to d...

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