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Write antenna or array analysis data to MSI planet file


msiwrite(fname,dataslice1,dataslice2) writes the pattern and field strength data from structures dataSlice1 and dataSlice2 to a MSI planet file named fname. The default extension is .pln. You can also specify a .msi extension.

msiwrite(fname,dataslice1,dataslice2,optional) writes the pattern and field strength data from structures dataSlice1, dataSlice2, and optional to a MSI planet file named fname. The default extension is .pln. You can also specify a .msi extension.

msiwrite(object,frequency,fname) writes calculated pattern and field strength data of an antenna or array object at a specified frequency to an MSI planet file named fname. The default extension is .pln. You can also specify a .msi extension.


msiwrite(object,frequency,fname,Name=Value) uses additional options specified by one or more Name-Value Arguments to write the antenna or array pattern and field strength data to a MSI planet file.


collapse all

Create a helix antenna and plot the elevation pattern at 2 GHz.

h = helix;
patternElevation(h,2e9,[0 45 90],Elevation=0:1:360);

Write the elevation pattern of the helix antenna in an MSI Planet Antenna file.

msiwrite(h,2e9,"helix",Name="Helix Antenna Specifications")

The msiwrite function saves a file named helix.pln to the default MATLAB™ folder.

NAME Helix Antenna Specifications
GAIN 8.74 dBi
0.00 13.56
1.00 13.48
2.00 13.39
3.00 13.30
4.00 13.22
5.00 13.13

Read the MSI antenna data file created.

ans = struct with fields:
    PhysicalQuantity: 'Gain'
           Magnitude: [360x1 double]
               Units: 'dBi'
             Azimuth: [360x1 double]
           Elevation: 0
           Frequency: 2.0000e+09
               Slice: 'Elevation'

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of the MSI planet file, specified as a string. By default, msiwrite writes the MSI planet file in a .pln format. Alternatively you can specify .msi extension also.

Example: "sample_file.pln"

Example: "sample_file.msi"

Data Types: string

Horizontal gain or field strength data, specified as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity — Measured quantity in the MSI file: E-field, H-field, directivity, power, powerdB, or, gain.

  • Magnitude — Magnitude values of the measured quantity.

  • Units — Units of the measured quantity.

  • Azimuth — Azimuth angles.

  • Elevation — Elevation angles.

  • Frequency — Frequency of operation.

  • Slice — Type of data set variation: Azimuth, or Elevation.

Data Types: struct

Vertical gain or field strength data, specified as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity — Measured quantity in the MSI file: E-field, H-field, directivity, power, powerdB, or, gain.

  • Magnitude — Magnitude values of the measure quantity.

  • Units — Units of the measured quantity.

  • Azimuth — Azimuth angles.

  • Elevation — Elevation angles.

  • Frequency — Frequency of operation.

  • Slice — Type of data set variation: Azimuth, or Elevation.

Data Types: struct

Additional data, specified as a structure containing the following fields: Name, Make, Frequency, H_width, V_width, Front_to_back, Gain, Tilt, Polarization, Comment.

Data Types: struct

Antenna or array to write the MSI data file, specified as an antenna or array object from the catalog, pcbStack antenna or custom antenna or array created using:

Example: yagiUda

Frequency of operation of antenna or array object, specified as a positive scalar in Hertz.

Example: 144e6

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: Comment="horn antenna"

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Comment','horn antenna'

Title of file in the first line, specified as a string.

Example: "Designed Helix Antenna in MATLAB"

Data Types: string

Comments about an antenna or array data file, specified as a string.

Example: "This antenna is for space simulations."

Data Types: string

Version History

Introduced in R2016a