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Deploy MATLAB® algorithms as a standalone executable on the hardware

The MATLAB Coder™ Support Package for NVIDIA® Jetson™ and NVIDIA DRIVE® Platforms enables you to deploy your MATLAB function on the hardware. The function is deployed as a standalone executable that continues to run even if the hardware live connection is disconnected from the host computer.


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jetsonConnection to NVIDIA Jetson hardware
driveConnection to NVIDIA DRIVE hardware
configurePinConfigure GPIO pin as digital input or digital output (Since R2021b)
readDigitalPinRead logical value from GPIO input pin (Since R2021b)
showPinsShow diagram of GPIO pins (Since R2021b)
writeDigitalPinWrite logical value to GPIO output pin (Since R2021b)
audiocaptureConnection between audio input device and NVIDIA hardware (Since R2021a)
audioplayerConnection between audio output device and NVIDIA hardware (Since R2021a)
captureCapture data from audio device connected to NVIDIA hardware (Since R2021a)
playPlay audio from audio device connected to NVIDIA hardware (Since R2021a)
cameraConnection to USB or CSI camera
getCameraListGet a list of available cameras on the NVIDIA hardware
listAudioDevicesGet a list of available audio devices on the NVIDIA hardware (Since R2021a)
imageDisplay image
imageDisplayNVIDIA display object
snapshotCapture RGB image from Camera
updatePeripheralInfoScan for and update the list of peripherals connected to the target hardware
velodynelidarConnection to a Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2022b)
readAcquire point clouds from velodynelidar object buffer (Since R2022b)
startStart streaming point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2022b)
stopStop streaming point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2020b)
webcamConnection to USB web camera
getFileTransfer file from NVIDIA hardware to host computer
putFileTransfer file from host computer to target hardware
deleteFileDelete file on target hardware
openShellOpen terminal on host computer to use a Linux shell on NVIDIA hardware
systemRun commands in a Linux shell on the NVIDIA hardware
getL4TVersionGet the L4T version of the NVIDIA Jetson hardware
getPdkorSdkVersionGet the version number of the DriveWorks SDK installed on the NVIDIA DRIVE hardware
getDisplayEnvironmentGet the display environment value used for redirecting the display on the target
setDisplayEnvironmentSet the display environment value used for redirecting the display on the target
setupCodegenContextSelect the target hardware to build code for from multiple live connection objects
getLinuxVersionGet information about the Linux environment on the target
killApplicationKill an application on the NVIDIA target by name
killProcessKill a process on the NVIDIA target by ID
runApplicationLaunch an application on the NVIDIA target by name
runExecutableLaunch an executable on the NVIDIA target by name
workspaceDirGet the build directory on the NVIDIA hardware
setPILTimeoutSet the timeout value that PIL uses for reading data
setPILPortSet the TCP/IP port number used by the PIL execution
getPILTimeoutGet the timeout value that PIL uses for reading data
getPILPortGet the TCP/IP port number used by the PIL execution
modbusCreate a Modbus object for NVIDIA boards (Since R2022a)
readRead data from a connected Modbus device (Since R2022a)
writePerform a write operation to the connected Modbus device (Since R2022a)




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