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Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)


y = pammod(x,M) returns the complex envelope of the modulation of the input message signal, x, using PAM and the alphabet size, M.


y = pammod(x,M,initphase) specifies the initial phase of the modulated signal.


y = pammod(x,M,initphase,symorder) specifies binary-coded or Gray-coded mapping order for the modulation symbols.


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Generate random data symbols and apply pulse amplitude modulation.

Set the modulation order.

M = 8;

Generate random integers and apply PAM modulation having an initial phase of π/4.

data = randi([0 M-1],100,1);
modData = pammod(data,M,pi/4);

Display the PAM constellation diagram.


Plot PAM symbol mapping for Gray-coded and binary-coded data.

Set the modulation order, and then create a data sequence containing a complete set of constellation points.

M = 8;
data = 0:M-1;

Modulate and demodulate Gray and natural binary encoded data.

symgray = pammod(data,M,0,'gray');
mapgray = pamdemod(symgray,M,0,'gray');

symbin = pammod(data,M,0,'bin');
mapbin = pamdemod(symbin,M,0,'bin');

Plot the constellation points using one of the symbol sets. For each constellation point, assign a label indicating the Gray-coded and binary-coded values for each symbol.

  • For Gray-code symbol mapping, adjacent constellation points differ by a single bit and are not numerically sequential.

  • For binary-coded mapping, adjacent constellation points follow the binary encoding and are sequential.

for k = 1:M
        dec2base(mapbin(k),2,4),'Color',[1 0 0]);
        num2str(mapbin(k)),'Color',[1 0 0]);
axis([-M M -2 2])

Input Arguments

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Input signal, specified as a vector or matrix of integers in the range of [0, M – 1].

Example: randi([0 3],100,1)

Data Types: double

Modulation order, specified as a power of two.

Example: 4

Data Types: double

Initial phase of the modulated signal (in radians), specified as a real scalar.

Example: pi/4

Data Types: double

Mapping order for the modulation symbols, specified as 'bin' or 'gray'. This argument specifies how the function assigns binary vectors to corresponding integers.

  • If symorder is 'bin', the function uses a binary-coded mapping order.

  • If symorder is 'gray', the function uses a Gray-coded mapping order.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Complex baseband representation of a PAM-modulated signal, returned as vector or matrix of complex values. The modulated signal has a minimum Euclidean distance of 2. The columns of y represent independent channels.

Data Types: double | single
Complex Number Support: Yes

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a