returns imported data by reading all Cassandra columns from one or more partitions specified by the partition key
= partitionRead(conn
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any of the previous
input argument combinations. For example, results
= partitionRead(___,Name,Value
the consistency level to specify that two nodes must respond for the CQL query to
Import Data from Cassandra Database Table
Using the Apache™ Cassandra® database C++ interface, create a Cassandra database connection and import data from a Cassandra database table into MATLAB®. The Cassandra database contains a database table with employee data.
Create a Cassandra database connection using the configured data source CassandraDataSource
and a blank user name and password. The apacheCassandra
function returns conn
as a connection
datasource = "CassandraDataSource"; username = ""; password = ""; conn = apacheCassandra(datasource,username,password);
Import employee data into MATLAB from the employeedata keyspace and the employees_by_job
database table by using the Cassandra database connection.
keyspace = "employeedata"; tablename = "employees_by_job"; results = partitionRead(conn,keyspace,tablename);
Display the first few rows of the returned employee data.
ans=8×13 table
job_id hire_date employee_id commission_pct department_id email first_name last_name manager_id office performance_ratings phone_number salary
building room
__________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ __________ __________ _____________ __________ ________________ ___________________ ______________ ______
"ST_CLERK" 08-Mar-2008 128 NaN 50 "SMARKLE" "Steven" "Markle" 120 "North" 171 {3×1 int32} "650.124.1434" 2200
"ST_CLERK" 06-Feb-2008 136 NaN 50 "HPHILTAN" "Hazel" "Philtanker" 122 "North" 303 {[ 2]} "650.127.1634" 2200
"ST_CLERK" 12-Dec-2007 135 NaN 50 "KGEE" "Ki" "Gee" 122 "West" 287 {2×1 int32} "650.127.1734" 2400
"ST_CLERK" 10-Apr-2007 132 NaN 50 "TJOLSON" "TJ" "Olson" 121 "North" 256 {[ 7]} "650.124.8234" 2100
"ST_CLERK" 14-Jan-2007 127 NaN 50 "JLANDRY" "James" "Landry" 120 "West" 273 {2×1 int32} "650.124.1334" 2400
"ST_CLERK" 28-Sep-2006 126 NaN 50 "IMIKKILI" "Irene" "Mikkilineni" 120 "East" 246 {4×1 int32} "650.124.1224" 2700
"ST_CLERK" 26-Aug-2006 134 NaN 50 "MROGERS" "Michael" "Rogers" 122 "East" 246 {3×1 int32} "650.127.1834" 2900
"ST_CLERK" 09-Jul-2006 144 NaN 50 "PVARGAS" "Peter" "Vargas" 124 "North" 129 {3×1 int32} "650.121.2004" 2500
is a table that contains these variables:
— Job identifierhire_date
— Hire dateemployee_id
— Employee identifiercommission_pct
— Commission percentagedepartment_id
— Department identifieremail
— Email addressfirst_name
— First namelast_name
— Last namemanager_id
— Manager identifieroffice
— Office location (table that contains two variables for the building and room)performance_ratings
— Performance ratingsphone_number
— Phone numbersalary
— Salary
Close the Cassandra database connection.
Import Data Using Multiple Partition Key Values
Using the Apache™ Cassandra® database C++ interface, create a Cassandra® database connection and import data from a Cassandra database table into MATLAB®. Use the values of two partition keys in the database table to import data. The Cassandra database contains a database table with employee data.
Create a Cassandra database connection using the configured data source CassandraDataSource
and a blank user name and password. The apacheCassandra
function returns conn
as a connection
datasource = "CassandraDataSource"; username = ""; password = ""; conn = apacheCassandra(datasource,username,password);
Import employee data into MATLAB from the employeedata
keyspace and the employees_by_name
database table by using the Cassandra database connection. This database table has the first_name
and last_name
partition keys. Specify the first and last names of two employees as values of the partition keys to import data for those two employees.
keyspace = "employeedata"; tablename = "employees_by_name"; keyValue1 = ["Christopher","Alexander"]; keyValue2 = ["Olsen","Hunold"]; results = partitionRead(conn,keyspace,tablename,keyValue1,keyValue2);
Display the returned employee data for the two employees.
results=2×13 table
first_name last_name hire_date employee_id commission_pct department_id email job_id manager_id office performance_ratings phone_number salary
building room
_____________ _________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ _________ _________ __________ ________________ ___________________ ____________________ ______
"Alexander" "Hunold" 03-Jan-2006 103 NaN 60 "AHUNOLD" "IT_PROG" 102 "West" 155 {2×1 int32} "590.423.4567" 9000
"Christopher" "Olsen" 30-Mar-2006 153 0.2 80 "COLSEN" "SA_REP" 145 "South" 333 {4×1 int32} "011.44.1344.498718" 8000
is a table that contains these variables:
— First namelast_name
— Last namehire_date
— Hire dateemployee_id
— Employee identifiercommission_pct
— Commission percentagedepartment_id
— Department identifieremail
— Email addressjob_id
— Job identifiermanager_id
— Manager identifieroffice
— Office location (table that contains two variables for the building and room)performance_ratings
— Performance ratingsphone_number
— Phone numbersalary
— Salary
Close the Cassandra database connection.
Import Data Using Consistency Level
Using the Apache™ Cassandra® database C++ interface, create a Cassandra database connection and import data from a Cassandra database table into MATLAB®. Use the value of the partition key in the database table to import data. Specify a consistency level for returning results. The Cassandra database contains a database table with employee data.
Create a Cassandra database connection using the configured data source CassandraDataSource
and a blank user name and password. The apacheCassandra
function returns conn
as a connection
datasource = "CassandraDataSource"; username = ""; password = ""; conn = apacheCassandra(datasource,username,password);
Import employee data into MATLAB from the employeedata
keyspace and the employees_by_job
database table by using the Cassandra database connection. This database table has the job_id
partition key. Specify the IT_PROG
value of the partition key to import all data for only those employees who are programmers. Also, specify the consistency level as one node.
keyspace = "employeedata"; tablename = "employees_by_job"; keyValue = "IT_PROG"; level = "ONE"; results = partitionRead(conn,keyspace,tablename,keyValue, ... 'ConsistencyLevel',level);
One replica node responds with the returned data.
Display the returned employee data.
results=5×13 table
job_id hire_date employee_id commission_pct department_id email first_name last_name manager_id office performance_ratings phone_number salary
building room
_________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________________ ___________________ ______________ ______
"IT_PROG" 21-May-2007 104 NaN 60 "BERNST" "Bruce" "Ernst" 103 "North" 371 {[ 8]} "590.423.4568" 6000
"IT_PROG" 07-Feb-2007 107 NaN 60 "DLORENTZ" "Diana" "Lorentz" 103 "West" 133 {3×1 int32} "590.423.5567" 4200
"IT_PROG" 05-Feb-2006 106 NaN 60 "VPATABAL" "Valli" "Pataballa" 103 "East" 231 {5×1 int32} "590.423.4560" 4800
"IT_PROG" 03-Jan-2006 103 NaN 60 "AHUNOLD" "Alexander" "Hunold" 102 "West" 155 {2×1 int32} "590.423.4567" 9000
"IT_PROG" 25-Jun-2005 105 NaN 60 "DAUSTIN" "David" "Austin" 103 "South" 393 {2×1 int32} "590.423.4569" 4800
is a table that contains these variables:
— Job identifierhire_date
— Hire dateemployee_id
— Employee identifiercommission_pct
— Commission percentagedepartment_id
— Department identifieremail
— Email addressfirst_name
— First namelast_name
— Last namemanager_id
— Manager identifieroffice
— Office location (table that contains two variables for the building and room)performance_ratings
— Performance ratingsphone_number
— Phone numbersalary
— Salary
Close the Cassandra database connection.
Input Arguments
— Apache Cassandra database connection
Apache Cassandra database connection, specified as a connection
— Keyspace
character vector | string scalar
Keyspace, specified as a character vector or string scalar. If you do not know the keyspace, then access the Keyspaces
property of the connection
object using dot notation to view the keyspaces in the Cassandra database.
Example: "employeedata"
Data Types: char
| string
— Cassandra database table name
character vector | string scalar
Cassandra database table name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. If you do not know the name of the table, then use the tablenames
function to find it.
Example: "employees_by_job"
Data Types: char
| string
— Partition key values
numeric scalar | numeric array | character vector | cell array of character vectors | ...
Partition key values, specified as one of these data types:
numeric scalar
numeric array
character vector
cell array of character vectors
string scalar
string array
If you do not specify the keyValue1...keyValueN
input argument,
then the partitionRead
function imports data from all partitions of
the Cassandra database table (same as the CQL query SELECT * FROM
Specify one key value for each partition key of the Cassandra database table. The maximum number of partition key values that you can specify is the number of primary keys, which includes the partition keys and clustering columns in the Cassandra database.
If you specify a scalar value, then the CQL query equivalent is an
clause in the CQL WHERE
clause. If you specify
an array of values, then the CQL query equivalent is an IN
clause in
If all partition key values are scalar values, then the
function imports data from one partition. If some
partition key values are arrays, then the partitionRead
imports data by searching multiple partitions that correspond to all possible key
The following table describes supported Cassandra partition keys.
Supported Cassandra Partition Key | MATLAB Valid Data Types for One Partition | MATLAB Valid Data Types for Multiple Partitions |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| numeric array | cell array of numeric arrays |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| numeric scalar, | numeric array, |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| numeric scalar or | numeric array or |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| character vector or string scalar | cell array of character vectors or string array |
| numeric scalar, | numeric array, |
These Cassandra partition keys are not supported:
user-defined types (UDTs)
Example: ["MA","CT"]
Example: 1,2,'DataProvider1','AmbientTemp'
Data Types: double
| logical
| char
| string
| struct
| cell
| datetime
| duration
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: results =
returns imported data by receiving a read response from one node, and the database must wait
15 seconds to perform the read operation before throwing an error.
— Consistency level
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Consistency level, specified as one of these values.
Consistency Level Value | Consistency Level Description |
| Return query results when all replica nodes respond. |
| Return query results when most replica nodes respond. |
| Return query results when most replica nodes in the local data center respond. |
| Return query results when one replica node responds. |
| Return query results when two replica nodes respond. |
| Return query results when three replica nodes respond. |
| Return query results when one replica node in the local data center responds. |
| Return query results for current (and possibly uncommitted) data for replica nodes in any data center. |
| Return query results for current (and possibly uncommitted) data for replica nodes in the local data center. |
You can specify the value of the consistency level as a character vector or string scalar.
For details about consistency levels, see Configuring Data Consistency.
Data Types: char
| string
— Request timeout
(default) | positive numeric scalar
This property is read-only.
Request timeout, specified as a positive numeric scalar. The request timeout indicates the number of seconds the database waits to return a CQL query before throwing an error.
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— Imported data results
Imported data results, returned as a table. The table contains imported data from
the partitions that correspond to the keyValue1...keyValueN
argument. Each Cassandra database column from the partitions becomes a variable in the table. The
variable names match the names of the Cassandra database columns in the specified partitions.
The data types of the variables in the table depend on the Cassandra data types. For details about how CQL data types convert to MATLAB data types, see Convert CQL Data Types to MATLAB Data Types Using Apache Cassandra Database C++ Interface.
Version History
Introduced in R2021a
See Also
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