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Index cross-entropy loss for classification tasks

Since R2024b


    The index cross-entropy operation computes the cross-entropy loss between network predictions and targets specified as integer class indices for single-label classification tasks.

    Index cross-entropy loss, also known as sparse cross-entropy loss, is a more memory and computationally efficient alternative to the standard cross-entropy loss algorithm. It does not require binary or one-hot encoded targets. Instead, the function requires targets specified as integer class indices. Index cross-entropy loss is particularly well-suited to targets that span many classes, where one-hot encoded data presents unnecessary memory overhead.

    loss = indexcrossentropy(Y,targets) calculates the categorical cross-entropy loss between the formatted predictions Y and the integer class indices targets for single-label classification tasks.

    For unformatted input data, use the DataFormat argument.


    loss = indexcrossentropy(Y,targets,weights) applies weights to the calculated loss values. Use this syntax to weight the contributions of classes, observations, regions, or individual elements of the input to the calculated loss values.

    loss = indexcrossentropy(___,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any combination of the input arguments from previous syntaxes. For example, DataFormat="BC" specifies that the first and second dimensions of the input data correspond to the batch and channel dimensions, respectively.


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    Create an array of prediction scores for seven observations over five classes.

    numClasses = 5;
    numObservations = 7;
    Y = rand(numClasses,numObservations);
    Y = dlarray(Y,"CB");
    Y = softmax(Y)
    Y = 
      5(C) x 7(B) dlarray
        0.2205    0.1175    0.1140    0.1153    0.1963    0.2416    0.3104
        0.2415    0.1408    0.2571    0.1526    0.1056    0.2381    0.1582
        0.1109    0.1842    0.2537    0.2500    0.2381    0.1677    0.2021
        0.2434    0.2777    0.1583    0.2210    0.2592    0.2182    0.1605
        0.1837    0.2798    0.2169    0.2612    0.2008    0.1344    0.1688

    Create an array of targets specified as class indices.

    T = randi(numClasses,[1 numObservations])
    T = 1×7
         5     4     2     5     1     3     2

    Compute the index cross-entropy loss between the predictions and the targets.

    loss = indexcrossentropy(Y,T)
    loss = 
      1x1 dlarray

    Create an array of prediction scores for seven observations over five classes.

    numClasses = 5;
    numObservations = 7;
    Y = rand(numClasses,numObservations);
    Y = dlarray(Y,"CB");
    Y = softmax(Y)
    Y = 
      5(C) x 7(B) dlarray
        0.2205    0.1175    0.1140    0.1153    0.1963    0.2416    0.3104
        0.2415    0.1408    0.2571    0.1526    0.1056    0.2381    0.1582
        0.1109    0.1842    0.2537    0.2500    0.2381    0.1677    0.2021
        0.2434    0.2777    0.1583    0.2210    0.2592    0.2182    0.1605
        0.1837    0.2798    0.2169    0.2612    0.2008    0.1344    0.1688

    Create an array of targets specified as class indices.

    T = randi(numClasses,[1 numObservations])
    T = 1×7
         5     4     2     5     1     3     2

    Compute the weighted cross-entropy loss between the predictions and the targets using a vector of class weights. Specify a weights format of "UC" (unspecified, channel) using the WeightsFormat argument.

    weights = rand(1,numClasses)
    weights = 1×5
        0.7655    0.7952    0.1869    0.4898    0.4456
    loss = indexcrossentropy(Y,T,weights,WeightsFormat="UC")
    loss = 
      1x1 dlarray

    Input Arguments

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    Predictions, specified as a formatted or unformatted dlarray object, or a numeric array. When Y is not a formatted dlarray, you must specify the dimension format using the DataFormat argument.

    If Y is a numeric array, targets must be a dlarray object.

    Target classification labels, specified as a formatted or unformatted dlarray object, or a numeric array.

    Specify the targets as an array containing integer class indices with the same size and format as Y, excluding the channel dimension. Each element of targets must be a positive integer less than or equal to the size of the channel dimension of Y (the number of classes), or equal to the MaskIndex argument value.

    If targets and Y are formatted dlarray objects, then the format of targets must be the same as the format of Y, excluding the "C" (channel) dimension. If targets is a formatted dlarray object and Y is not a formatted dlarray object, then the format of targets must be the same as the DataFormat argument value, excluding the "C" (channel) dimension.

    If targets is an unformatted dlarray or a numeric array, then the function applies the format of Y or the value of DataFormat to targets.


    Formatted dlarray objects automatically permute the dimensions of the underlying data to have the order "S" (spatial), "C" (channel), "B" (batch), "T" (time), then "U" (unspecified). To ensure that the dimensions of Y and targets are consistent, when Y is a formatted dlarray, also specify targets as a formatted dlarray.

    Weights, specified as a dlarray object or a numeric array.

    To specify class weights, specify a vector with a "C" (channel) dimension with size matching the "C" (channel) dimension of Y and a singleton "U" (unspecified) dimension. Specify the dimensions of the class weights by using a formatted dlarray object or by using the WeightsFormat argument.

    To specify observation weights, specify a vector with a "B" (batch) dimension with size matching the "B" (batch) dimension of Y. Specify the "B" (batch) dimension of the class weights by using a formatted dlarray object or by using the WeightsFormat argument.

    To specify weights for each element of the input independently, specify the weights as an array of the same size as Y. In this case, if weights is not a formatted dlarray object, then the function uses the same format as Y. Alternatively, specify the weights format using the WeightsFormat argument.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: indexcrossentropy(Y,T,DataFormat="BC") specifies that the first and second dimension of the input data correspond to the batch and channel dimensions, respectively.

    Masked value index, specified as a numeric scalar.

    The function excludes elements of the input data from loss computation when the target elements match the mask index.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

    Loss value array reduction mode, specified as "sum" or "none".

    If the Reduction argument is "sum", then the function sums all elements in the array of loss values. In this case, the output loss is a scalar.

    If the Reduction argument is "none", then the function does not reduce the array of loss values. In this case, the output loss is an unformatted dlarray object of the same size as Y.

    Divisor for normalizing the reduced loss, specified as one of these options:

    • "batch-size" — Normalize the loss by dividing it by the number of observations in Y.

    • "all-elements" — Normalize the loss by dividing it by the number of elements of Y.

    • "target-included" — Normalize the loss by dividing the loss values by the product of the number of observations and the number of elements that are not excluded according to the MaskIndex argument.

    • "none" — Do not normalize the loss.

    If Reduction is "none", then this option has no effect.

    Description of the data dimensions, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    A data format is a string of characters, where each character describes the type of the corresponding data dimension.

    The characters are:

    • "S" — Spatial

    • "C" — Channel

    • "B" — Batch

    • "T" — Time

    • "U" — Unspecified

    For example, consider an array containing a batch of sequences where the first, second, and third dimensions correspond to channels, observations, and time steps, respectively. You can specify that this array has the format "CBT" (channel, batch, time).

    You can specify multiple dimensions labeled "S" or "U". You can use the labels "C", "B", and "T" once each, at most. The software ignores singleton trailing "U" dimensions after the second dimension.

    If the input data is not a formatted dlarray object, then you must specify the DataFormat option.

    For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.

    Data Types: char | string

    Description of the dimensions of the weights, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    A data format is a string of characters, where each character describes the type of the corresponding data dimension.

    The characters are:

    • "S" — Spatial

    • "C" — Channel

    • "B" — Batch

    • "T" — Time

    • "U" — Unspecified

    For example, consider an array containing a batch of sequences where the first, second, and third dimensions correspond to channels, observations, and time steps, respectively. You can specify that this array has the format "CBT" (channel, batch, time).

    You can specify multiple dimensions labeled "S" or "U". You can use the labels "C", "B", and "T" once each, at most. The software ignores singleton trailing "U" dimensions after the second dimension.

    If weights is a numeric vector and Y has two or more nonsingleton dimensions, then you must specify the WeightsFormat option.

    If weights is not a vector, or weights and Y are both vectors, then the default value of WeightsFormat is the same as the format of Y.

    For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.

    Data Types: char | string

    Output Arguments

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    Index cross-entropy loss, returned as an unformatted dlarray object with the same underlying data type as the input Y.

    If the Reduction argument is "sum", then the function sums all elements in the array of loss values. In this case, the output loss is a scalar.

    If the Reduction argument is "none", then the function does not reduce the array of loss values. In this case, the output loss is an unformatted dlarray object of the same size as Y.


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    Index Cross-Entropy Loss

    Index cross-entropy loss, also known as sparse cross-entropy loss, is a more memory and computationally efficient alternative to the standard cross-entropy loss algorithm. It does not require binary or one-hot encoded targets. Instead, the function requires targets specified as integer class indices. Index cross-entropy loss is particularly well-suited to targets that span many classes, where one-hot encoded data presents unnecessary memory overhead.

    In particular, for each prediction in the input, the standard cross-entropy loss function requires targets specified as 1-by-K vectors, each containing only one nonzero element. To avoid the dense encoding of the zero and nonzero elements, the index cross-entropy function requires targets specified as scalars that represent the indices of the nonzero elements.

    For single-label classification, the standard cross-entropy function uses the formula


    where T is an array of one-hot encoded targets, Y is an array of predictions, and N and K are the numbers of observations and classes, respectively.

    For single-label classification, the index cross-entropy loss function uses the formula:


    where T is an array of targets, specified as class indices.

    This table shows the index cross-entropy loss formulas for different tasks.

    Single-label classificationIndex cross-entropy loss for mutually exclusive classes. This is useful when observations must have only a single label.


    where N is the numbers of observations.

    Single-label classification with weighted classesIndex cross-entropy loss with class weights. This is useful for datasets with imbalanced classes.


    where N is the number of observations, and wi denotes the weight for class i.

    Sequence-to-sequence classificationIndex cross-entropy loss with masked time steps. This is useful for ignoring loss values that correspond to padded data.



    [x=m]={10if x=mif xm,

    and N, S, and K are the numbers of observations, time steps, and classes, respectively, and m denotes the mask index.

    Deep Learning Array Formats

    Most deep learning networks and functions operate on different dimensions of the input data in different ways.

    For example, an LSTM operation iterates over the time dimension of the input data, and a batch normalization operation normalizes over the batch dimension of the input data.

    To provide input data with labeled dimensions or input data with additional layout information, you can use data formats.

    A data format is a string of characters, where each character describes the type of the corresponding data dimension.

    The characters are:

    • "S" — Spatial

    • "C" — Channel

    • "B" — Batch

    • "T" — Time

    • "U" — Unspecified

    For example, consider an array containing a batch of sequences where the first, second, and third dimensions correspond to channels, observations, and time steps, respectively. You can specify that this array has the format "CBT" (channel, batch, time).

    To create formatted input data, create a dlarray object and specify the format using the second argument.

    To provide additional layout information with unformatted data, specify the formats using the DataFormat and WeightsFormat arguments.

    For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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