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Polyphase FFT synthesis filter bank


The dsp.ChannelSynthesizer System object™ merges multiple narrowband signals into a broadband signal by using an FFT based synthesis filter bank. The filter bank uses a prototype lowpass filter and is implemented using a polyphase structure. You can specify the filter coefficients directly or through design parameters.

To merge multiple narrowband signals into a broadband signal:

  1. Create the dsp.ChannelSynthesizer object and set its properties.

  2. Call the object with arguments, as if it were a function.

To learn more about how System objects work, see What Are System Objects?



synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer creates a synthesizer object, using the default properties.

synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer(Name=Value) specifies additional properties using one ore more Name-Value arguments. For example, you can set NumTapsPerBand to 20 and StopbandAttenuation to 140.

Example: synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer(NumTapsPerBand=20,StopbandAttenuation=140)



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Unless otherwise indicated, properties are nontunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.

If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.

For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.

Since R2024a

Interpolation factor L, specified as one of these:

  • 'Number of frequency bands' –– When you change the number of frequency bands, the interpolation factor changes automatically.

  • Positive integer greater than or equal to the number of frequency bands M.

The number of frequency bands equals the number of channels in the input signal. If the interpolation factor L equals the number of frequency bands M, then the L/M ratio equals 1, and the synthesizer is known as the critically sampled channel synthesizer.

If L is greater than M, then the L/M ratio must be an integer.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Filter design parameters or filter coefficients, specified as one of these options:

  • "Number of taps per band and stopband attenuation" — Specify the filter design parameters through the NumTapsPerBand and StopbandAttenuation properties.

  • "Coefficients" — Specify the filter coefficients directly using LowpassCoefficients.

Number of filter coefficients each polyphase branch uses, specified as a positive integer. The number of polyphase branches matches the number of frequency bands. The total number of filter coefficients for the prototype lowpass filter is given by product of the number of frequency bands and NumTapsPerBand. For a given stopband attenuation, increasing the number of taps per band narrows the transition width of the filter. As a result, there is more usable bandwidth for each frequency band at the expense of increased computation.


To enable this property, set Specification to "Number of taps per band and stopband attenuation".

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Stopband attenuation of the lowpass filter, specified as a positive real scalar in dB. This value controls the maximum amount of aliasing from one frequency band to the next. Larger is the stopband attenuation, smaller is the passband ripple.


To enable this property, set Specification to "Number of taps per band and stopband attenuation".

Data Types: single | double

Coefficients of the prototype lowpass filter, specified as a row vector. The default vector of coefficients is obtained using rcosdesign(0.25,6,8,"sqrt"). There must be at least one coefficient per frequency band. If the length of the lowpass filter is less than the number of frequency bands, the object zero-pads the coefficients.

If you specify complex coefficients, the object designs a prototype filter that is centered at a nonzero frequency, also known as a bandpass filter. The modulated versions of the prototype bandpass filter appear with respect to the prototype filter and are wrapped around the frequency range [−Fs Fs].

Tunable: Yes


To enable this property, set Specification to "Coefficients".

Data Types: single | double
Complex Number Support: Yes



synthOut = synthesizer(input) merges the narrowband input signals contained as columns in input into broadband signal, synthOut.


Input Arguments

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Narrowband signals, specified as a matrix or a 3-D array. Each narrowband signal is stored as a column in the input signal. The number of columns in input corresponds to the number of frequency bands of the filter bank. If input is three-dimensional, each matrix corresponds to a separate channel. If M is the number of frequency bands, and input is an Q-by-M matrix, then the output signal, synthOut, has dimensions Q×M-by-1. If input has dimensions Q-by-M-by-N, then synthOut has dimensions Q×M-by-N.

This object accepts variable-size inputs, that is, once the object is locked, you can change the size of each input channel. The number of channels cannot change.

Data Types: single | double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Output Arguments

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Merged broadband signal, returned as a matrix or a 3-D array. If M is the number of frequency bands, and input is an Q-by-M matrix, then the output signal, synthOut, has dimensions Q×M-by-1. If input has dimensions Q-by-M-by-N, then synthOut has dimensions Q×M-by-N.

Data Types: single | double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Object Functions

To use an object function, specify the System object as the first input argument. For example, to release system resources of a System object named obj, use this syntax:


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coeffsCoefficients of prototype lowpass filter
tfReturn transfer function of overall prototype lowpass filter
polyphaseReturn polyphase matrix
stepRun System object algorithm
releaseRelease resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics
resetReset internal states of System object


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Channelize and synthesize a sine wave signal with multiple frequencies using an M -channel filter bank.

The M -channel filter bank contains an analysis filter bank section and a synthesis filter bank section. The dsp.Channelizer object implements the analysis filter bank section. The dsp.ChannelSynthesizer object implements the synthesis filter bank section. These objects use an efficient polyphase structure to implement the filter bank. For more details, see Polyphase Implementation under Algorithms on the object reference pages.


Initialize the dsp.Channelizer and dsp.ChannelSynthesizer System objects. Each object is set up with 8 frequency bands, 8 polyphase branches in each filter, 12 coefficients per polyphase branch, and a stopband attenuation of 140 dB. Use a sine wave with multiple frequencies as the input signal. View the input spectrum and the output spectrum using a spectrum analyzer.

offsets = [-40,-30,-20,10,15,25,35,-15];
sinewave = dsp.SineWave(ComplexOutput=true,Frequency=offsets+(-375:125:500),...

channelizer = dsp.Channelizer(StopbandAttenuation=140);
synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer(StopbandAttenuation=140);
scope = spectrumAnalyzer(ShowLegend=true,...
    Title="Input and Output Spectra");


Use the channelizer to split the broadband input signal into multiple narrow bands. Then pass the multiple narrowband signals into the synthesizer, which merges these signals to form the broadband signal. Compare the spectra of the input and output signals. The input and output spectra match very closely.

for i = 1:5000
    x = sum(sinewave(),2);
    y = channelizer(x);
    v = synthesizer(y);

Since R2024a

Synthesize a series of four stereo signals into a broadband signal by using the dsp.ChannelSynthesizer object. At the receiving end, split this broadband signal back into the individual narrowband signals by using the dsp.Channelizer object.

Increase the oversampling ratio of channel synthesizer to 4. Inspect the effect on the spectrum of the broadband signal.


The audio signals are four stereo signals.

  • FunkyDrums.mp3

  • SoftGuitar.ogg

  • RockDrums.mp3

  • RockGuitar.wav

Each signal is of the size 1024-by-2 samples. The two columns (channels) represent the left channel and the right channel of the stereo signal. Read the signals using the dsp.AudioFileReader object.

af1 = dsp.AudioFileReader(Filename='FunkyDrums.mp3',SamplesPerFrame=1024);
af2 = dsp.AudioFileReader(Filename='SoftGuitar.ogg',SamplesPerFrame=1024);
af3 = dsp.AudioFileReader(Filename='RockDrums.mp3',SamplesPerFrame=1024);
af4 = dsp.AudioFileReader(Filename='RockGuitar.wav',SamplesPerFrame=1024);

The stereo2complex function converts each signal into complex signals. The first column in the signal forms the real part of the complex signal, and the second column in the signal forms the imaginary part of the complex signal.

type stereo2complex
function y = stereo2complex(u)
y = complex(u(:,1),u(:,2));

Specify the number of frequency bands M to 4, which is the same as the number of audio files. Specify the decimation factor D of the channelizer to 4 and the interpolation factor I of the channel synthesizer to 4.

M = 4;  
D = 4;  
I = 4; 

Specify the number of taps per band to 48 and the stopband attenuation to 120 dB.

NTPB = 48; 
Astop = 120;

Initialize the dsp.ChannelSynthesizer and dsp.Channelizer objects with the above parameters. The L/M ratio in the channel synthesizer is 4/4, or 1, making it a critically sampled channel synthesizer. The M/D ratio in the channelizer is 4/4, or 1, making it a maximally decimated channelizer.

synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer(NumTapsPerBand=48,...
synthesizer = 
  dsp.ChannelSynthesizer with properties:

    InterpolationFactor: 4
          Specification: 'Number of taps per band and stopband attenuation'
         NumTapsPerBand: 48
    StopbandAttenuation: 120

channelizer = dsp.Channelizer(NumFrequencyBands=M,...
channelizer = 
  dsp.Channelizer with properties:

      NumFrequencyBands: 4
       DecimationFactor: 4
          Specification: 'Number of taps per band and stopband attenuation'
         NumTapsPerBand: 48
    StopbandAttenuation: 120

  Use get to show all properties

Set up the spectrumAnalyzer objects to visualize the input spectrum, multiplexed broadband spectrum, and the spectrum of the individual channelized audio files.

inputDataSpectrum = spectrumAnalyzer(SampleRate=44100,...
    Position=[4 880 800 500],Title="Input Data Spectrum");
muxedSpectrum = spectrumAnalyzer(SampleRate=I*44100,...
    Position=[810 880 800 500],Title="Muxed Spectrum With No Oversampling");
channelizedSpectrum = spectrumAnalyzer(SampleRate=I/D*44100,...
    Position=[1620 880 800 500],Title="Demuxed Spectrum");


Stream in the four audio files. Convert the signals into complex signals and multiplex them to form a 1024-by-4 matrix u. The dsp.ChannelSynthesizer object synthesizes these four signals into a single broadband signal umuxed. The dsp.Channelizer object splits this broadband signal back into narrow subbands. Each column in the channelizer output represents a narrowband signal.

Visualize the spectrum of the input signal, multiplexed broadband signal, and the individual channelized audio files in the spectrum analyzer. You can see that the multiplexed broadband signal spectrum is critically sampled and that there is no separation between the narrow bands in the spectrum.

for idx = 1:100
    u1 = af1();
    u2 = af2();
    u3 = af3();
    u4 = af4();
    u = [stereo2complex(u1) stereo2complex(u2) stereo2complex(u3) stereo2complex(u4)];
    umuxed = synthesizer(u);
    uchannelized = channelizer(umuxed);

Increasing Oversampling Ratio of Channel Synthesizer

To increase the separation between the individual bands in the multiplexed spectrum, increase the interpolation factor L to 16. This value increases the oversampling ratio L/M of the channel synthesizer to 16/4, or 4.

Rerun the simulation with the new L/M ratio. You can see that the there is more frequency separation now between the individual narrowbands in the multiplexed spectrum.

I = 16;
synthesizer = dsp.ChannelSynthesizer(NumTapsPerBand=48,...
muxed4xSpectrum = spectrumAnalyzer(SampleRate=I*44100,...
    Position=[810 880 800 500],Title="Muxed 4x Oversampling Spectrum");
for idx = 1:100
    u1 = af1();
    u2 = af2();
    u3 = af3();
    u4 = af4();
    u = [stereo2complex(u1) stereo2complex(u2) stereo2complex(u3) stereo2complex(u4)];
    umuxed = synthesizer(u);
    uchannelized = channelizer(umuxed);

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[1] Harris, Fredric J, Multirate Signal Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004.

[2] Harris, F.J., Chris Dick, Michael Rice. "Digital Receivers and Transmitters Using Polyphase Filter Banks for Wireless Communications." IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques. Vol. 51, Number 4, April 2003.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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