Measure function execution times
Execution-time profiling of functions in generated code
Model Configuration Pane: Code Generation / Verification
Measure execution times and generate metrics for functions inside generated code.
To use this parameter, you must also select Measure task execution time for the top model of the model reference hierarchy.
For a model in a reference hierarchy, the software does not support simultaneous function execution-time measurement and code coverage.
(default) | Coarse (referenced models and subsystems only)
| Detailed (all function call sites)
Execution times for functions in generated code are not measured.
Coarse (referenced models and subsystems only)
Measure execution times only for function code generated from referenced models and subsystems.
Detailed (all function call sites)
Measure execution times for all functions in generated code.
Recommended Settings
Application | Setting |
Debugging | On |
Traceability | On |
Efficiency | Off |
Safety precaution | No recommendation |
Programmatic Use
Parameter: CodeProfilingInstrumentation |
Type: character vector |
Value: 'off' | 'coarse' | 'detailed' |
Default: 'off' |
Version History
Introduced in R2011b