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Display most recent IP address, user name, and password

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Embedded Coder Support Package for AMD SoC Devices add-on.


zynq displays the IP address or host name, user name, and password of the most recent successful connection by MATLAB® to an AMD® SoC device board.

This information does not come from the current AMD SoC device connected to your development computer. Therefore, if you have changed the AMD SoC device since the last successful connection, the information is out of date.

h = zynq creates a connection to the AMD SoC device, h. This connection reuses the IP address, user name, and password from most recent connection to the AMD SoC device.

h = zynq(operatingsystem,ipaddress,username,password,builddir) allows specification of non-default values for IP address or host name, user name, password, build folder on the AMD SoC device.



collapse all

Get the IP address or host name, user name, and password of the most recent successful connection by MATLAB to a AMD SoC device.

ans = 

  LinuxServices with properties:

     IPAddress: ''
      Username: 'root'
    SerialPort: 'COM1'

Input Arguments

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The operating system of the ARM® Cortex® processor on the AMD SoC device, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

The IPv4 address of the AMD SoC device, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

The user name of the root user on the AMD SoC device, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

The password of the root user on the AMD SoC device, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

The build folder on the AMD SoC device, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Connection to the AMD SoC device, returned as an object handle.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b