Estimate optimal portfolio for user-defined objective function for
Since R2022b
Solve Continuous Problems Using Custom Objectives
This example shows how to use estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
to solve a portfolio problem with a custom objective. You define the constraints for portfolio problems using functions for the Portfolio
object and then you specify the objective function as an input to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
. The objective function must be continuous (and preferably smooth).
Create Portfolio
Find the portfolio that solves the problem:
Create a Portfolio
object and set the default constraints using setDefaultConstraints
. In this case, the portfolio problem does not involve the mean or covariance of the assets returns. Therefore, you do not need to define the assets moments to create the Portfolio
object. You need only to define the number of assets in the problem.
% Create a Portfolio object p = Portfolio(NumAssets=6); % Define the constraints of the portfolio methods p = setDefaultConstraints(p); % Long-only, fully invested weights
Define Objective Function
Define a function handle for the objective function .
% Define the objective function
objFun = @(x) x'*x;
Solve Portfolio Problem
to compute the solution to the problem.
% Solve portfolio problem
wMin = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,objFun)
wMin = 6×1
The estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
function automatically assumes that the objective sense is to minimize. You can change that default behavior by using the estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
name-value argument ObjectiveSense
Add Gross or Net Return Constraints for Problems with Custom Objectives
This example shows how to use estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
to solve a portfolio problem with a custom objective and a return constraint. You define the constraints for portfolio problems, other than the return constraint, using functions for the Portfolio
object and then you specify the objective function as an input to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
. The objective function must be continuous (and preferably smooth). To specify a return constraint, you use the TargetReturn
name-value argument.
Create Portfolio
Find the portfolio that solves the problem:
Create a Portfolio
object and set the default constraints using setDefaultConstraints
% Create a Portfolio object load('SixStocks.mat') p = Portfolio(AssetMean=AssetMean,AssetCovar=AssetCovar); % Define the constraints of the portfolio methods p = setDefaultConstraints(p); % Long-only, fully invested weights
Define Objective Function
Define a function handle for the objective function .
% Define the objective function
objFun = @(x) x'*x;
Add Return Constraints
When using the Portfolio
object, you can use estimateFrontierByReturn
to add a return constraint to the portfolio. However, when using the estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
function with a Portfolio
object, you must add return constraints by using the TargetReturn
name-value argument with a return target value.
The Portfolio
object supports two types of return constraints: gross return and net return. The type of return constraint that is added to the portfolio problem is implicitly defined by whether you provide buy or sell costs to the Portfolio
object using setCosts
. If no buy or sell costs are present, the added return constraint is a gross return constraint. Otherwise, a net return constraint is added.
Gross Return Constraint
The gross portfolio return constraint for a portfolio is
where is the risk-free rate (with 0 as default), is the mean of assets returns, and is the target return.
Since buy or sell costs are not needed to add a gross return constraint, the Portfolio
object does not need to be modified before using estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
% Set a return target ret0 = 0.03; % Solve portfolio problem with a gross return constraint wGross = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,objFun, ... TargetReturn=ret0)
wGross = 6×1
The return constraint is not added to the Portfolio
object. In other words, the Portfolio
properties are not modified by adding a gross return constraint in estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
Net Return Constraint
The net portfolio return constraint for a portfolio is
where is the risk-free rate (with 0 as default), is the mean of assets returns, is the proportional buy cost, is the proportional sell cost, is the initial portfolio, and is the target return.
To add net return constraints to the portfolio problem, you must use setCosts
with the Portfolio
object. If the Portfolio
object has either of these costs, estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
automatically assumes that any added return constraint is a net return constraint.
% Add buy and sell costs to the Portfolio object buyCost = 0.002; sellCost = 0.001; initPort = zeros(p.NumAssets,1); p = setCosts(p,buyCost,sellCost,initPort); % Solve portfolio problem with a net return constraint % wNet = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,objFun, ... % TargetReturn=ret0)
As with the gross return constraint, the net return constraint is not added to the Portfolio
object properties, however the Portfolio
object is modified by the addition of buy or sell costs. Adding buy or sell costs to the Portfolio
object does not affect any constraints besides the return constraint, but these costs do affect the solution of maximum return problems because the solution is the maximum net return instead of the maximum gross return.
Solve Portfolio Problems with Custom Objectives and Cardinality Constraints
This example shows how to use estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
to solve a portfolio problem with a custom objective and cardinality constraints. You define the constraints for portfolio problems using functions for the Portfolio
object and then you specify the objective function as an input to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
. For problems with cardinality constraints or continuous bounds, the objective function must be continuous and convex.
Create Portfolio
Find a long-only, fully weighted portfolio with half the assets that minimizes the tracking error to the equally weighted portfolio. Furthermore, if an asset is present in the portfolio, at least 10% should be invested in that asset. The portfolio problem is as follows:
Create a Portfolio
object and set the assets moments.
p = Portfolio(AssetMean=AssetMean,AssetCovar=AssetCovar);
nAssets = size(AssetMean,1);
Define the Portfolio
% Fully invested portfolio p = setBudget(p,1,1); % Cardinality constraint p = setMinMaxNumAssets(p,3,3); % Conditional bounds p = setBounds(p,0.1,[],BoundType="conditional");
Define Objective Function
Define a function handle for the objective function.
% Define the objective function
EWP = 1/nAssets*ones(nAssets,1);
trackingError = @(x) (x-EWP)'*p.AssetCovar*(x-EWP);
Solve Portfolio Problem
to compute the solution to the problem.
% Solve portfolio problem
wMinTE = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,trackingError)
wMinTE = 6×1
Using ObjectiveBound
and InitialPoint
with Custom Objective Portfolios
This example shows how to use the name-value arguments ObjectiveBound
and InitialPoint
with estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
Load the returns data in CAPMuniverse.mat
. Then, create a standard mean-variance Portfolio
object with default constraints, which is a long-only portfolio whose weights sum to 1
. For this example, you can define the feasible region of weights as
% Load data load CAPMuniverse % Create a mean-variance Portfolio object with default constraints p = Portfolio(AssetList=Assets(1:12)); p = estimateAssetMoments(p,Data(:,1:12)); p = setDefaultConstraints(p); % Add conditional bounds pInt = setBounds(p,0.1,[],BoundType='cond');
Using ObjectiveBound
Use the ObjectiveBound
name-value argument to provide an initial bound for the objective function. Providing an initial bound saves computation time because the solver does not have to solve an initial NLP relaxation to obtain the initial bound. Set up the MINLP solver, then test its performance when you do not provide an initial bound.
% Minimize tracking error without a lower bound wTE = 1/p.NumAssets*ones(p.NumAssets,1); trackingError = @(w) (w-wTE)'*p.AssetCovar*(w-wTE); pInt2 = setSolverMINLP(pInt,'OuterApproximation',... ExtendedFormulation=true); s = tic; wTE_NoBound = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(pInt2,trackingError); timeTE_NoBound = toc(s)
timeTE_NoBound = 13.4405
Since the lowest value that can be achieved by the tracking error is 0
, you can use that as the lower bound with the ObjectiveBound
name-value argument. Test the solver's performance when you do provide this lower bound. The solver is much faster when you provide one.
% Minimize tracking error with a lower bound
s = tic;
wTE_WithBound = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(pInt2,trackingError,ObjectiveBound=0);
timeTE_WithBound = toc(s)
timeTE_WithBound = 1.3494
Because you are minimizing the objective function, the bound that you provide to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
must be a lower bound.
If you want to maximize the objective, then when you set ObjectiveSense
to 'maximize'
, the ObjectiveBound
is the upper bound of the objective function. Maximize the Sharpe ratio using ObjectiveBound
% Maximize Sharpe ratio with upper bound sharpeRatio = @(x) (p.AssetMean'*x)/sqrt(x'*p.AssetCovar*x); wSR = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(pInt,sharpeRatio,... ObjectiveSense='maximize',ObjectiveBound=1);
Note that the ObjectiveBound
name-value argument is ignored in continuous problems.
Using InitialPoint
Use the InitialPoint
name-value argument to provide an initial point to the Portfolio
solvers at the beginning of the iterations. You can use this name-value argument in continuous problems with nonconvex objectives to search the feasible region to find different local minima.
Set up a risk parity portfolio with constraints, group the constraints, then estimate the portfolio without and with specifying an initial point. Compare the risk parities of these portfolios.
% Risk parity portfolio with constraints sigma = [5;5;7;10;15;15;15;18]/100; rho = [ 1 0.8 0.6 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2; 0.8 1 0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2; 0.6 0.4 1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3; -0.2 -0.2 0.5 1 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6; -0.1 -0.2 0.3 0.6 1 0.9 0.7 0.7; -0.2 -0.1 0.2 0.6 0.9 1 0.6 0.7; -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.6 1 0.7; -0.2 -0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 1]; covariance = corr2cov(sigma,rho); riskParity = @(x) sum((x.*(covariance*x)/(x'*covariance*x)-1).^2); % Group the contraints p = Portfolio(NumAssets=8); p = setDefaultConstraints(p); G = [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]; p = setGroups(p,G,0.3,[]); % Solve the problem w = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,riskParity); riskParity(w)
ans = 6.1365
% Use the InitialPoint name-value argument
x0 = [0.7; zeros(3,1); 0.3; zeros(3,1)];
w2 = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,riskParity,InitialPoint=x0);
ans = 6.1667
The objective function is different for different initial portfolios, because the objective function used to compute the risk parity portfolios is nonconvex.
Using different initial points in mixed-integer problems should not return different values of the objective function because the objective function should always be convex. That is, there is only one value for the minimum of the objective function.
Add Tracking Error Constraints to a Custom Objective Problem
This example shows how to use estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
to compare the weight assignment of the minimum risk portfolio with a constrained equally weighted portfolio. The weights can be either zero or greater than 15% and must sum to 1
. You define the constraints for portfolio problems using functions for the Portfolio
object and then you specify the objective function as an input to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
. The objective function must be continuous (and preferably smooth).
Create Portfolio
Create a Portfolio
object and set the bounds and budget using setBounds
and setBudget
% Define initial data m = [ 0.05; 0.1; 0.12; 0.18 ]; C = [ 0.0064 0.00408 0.00192 0; 0.00408 0.0289 0.0204 0.0119; 0.00192 0.0204 0.0576 0.0336; 0 0.0119 0.0336 0.1225 ]; % Create Portfolio object p = Portfolio(AssetMean=m,AssetCovar=C); % Weight bounds p1 = setBounds(p,0.15,1,BoundType='conditional'); % Weights must sum to one p1 = setBudget(p1,1,1);
Add a tracking error constraint using setTrackingError
to bound deviations from the max Sharpe ratio portfolio to 3%.
% Compute max Sharpe ratio portfolio wSR = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p1,Method='iterative'); % Set tracking error constraint p1 = setTrackingError(p1,0.03,wSR);
Solve and compare the minimum risk portfolio and the constrained equally weighted portfolio.
% Compute max return portfolio wMin = estimateFrontierLimits(p1,'min'); % Compute equally weighted portfolio by minimizing the % Herfindahl-Hirshman index HH = @(w) w'*w; wHH = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p1,HH);
Use a bar plot to observe the difference between the portfolios.
figure bar([wMin wHH wSR]) legend('Minimum Risk','Equally Weighted','Max Sharpe')
Notice that the weights of the minimum risk portfolio are closer to the weights of the max Sharpe ratio than the weights of the constrained equally weighted portfolio (EWP). This happens because the priority of the constrained EWP is to make the weights as even as possible while still satisfying the constraints. Thus, the weights of the EWP are closer to each other than the rest of the portfolios.
Add Risk Constraint to a Custom Objective Problem
This example shows how to use estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
to define a risk-constrained long-only, fully-invested portfolio and then compare the maximum return portfolio against a minimum tracking error portfolio, where the tracking portfolio is the equally-weighted portfolio. You define the constraints for portfolio problems using functions for the Portfolio
object and then you specify the objective function as an input to estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
. The objective function must be continuous (and preferably smooth).
Create Portfolio
Create a Portfolio
object using the default constraints and then define the targetRisk
% Define initial data m = [ 0.05; 0.1; 0.12; 0.18 ]; C = [ 0.0064 0.00408 0.00192 0; 0.00408 0.0289 0.0204 0.0119; 0.00192 0.0204 0.0576 0.0336; 0 0.0119 0.0336 0.1225 ]; % Create Portfolio object p = Portfolio(AssetMean=m,AssetCovar=C); % Set long-only, fully-invested constraints p2 = setDefaultConstraints(p); % Define maximum risk of the portfolio targetRisk = 0.1;
To compute the maximum return portfolio subject to a risk constraint, use estimateFrontierByRisk
% Compute the max return risk constrained portfolio
wMax = estimateFrontierByRisk(p2,targetRisk);
Compute the minimum tracking error portfolio subject to a risk constraint using estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
, where the tracking portfolio is the equally weighted portfolio.
% Compute the min tracking error portfolio with a risk constraint x0 = 1/4*ones(4,1); TE = @(w) (w-x0)'*p2.AssetCovar*(w-x0); wTE = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p2,TE,... TargetVolatility=targetRisk);
Use a bar plot to observe the difference between the portfolios.
figure bar([wMax wTE]) legend('Max Return','Min TE')
Notice that the weights of the minimum tracking portfolio tries to keep the weights of the assets more evenly weighted. However, in order to satisfy the risk constraint, the minimum tracking error portfolio still allocates a larger weight to the less risky asset.
Input Arguments
— Object for portfolio optimization
Object for portfolio optimization, specified using a
object. When using a Portfolio
object in the custom objective
workflow, you do not need to specify the mean and
covariance. However, the custom objective workflow
requires that you specify either the mean, the
covariance, or the number of assets.
If no initial portfolio is specified in
, the initial
portfolio is assumed to be 0
that pbuy
= max(0,
and psell
max(0, -pwgt)
. If no tracking
portfolio is specified in
, the tracking
portfolio is assumed to be
Data Types: object
— Function handle that defines objective function
function handle
Function handle that defines the objective function, specified using a function handle in terms of the portfolio weights.
The objective function must be continuous
and defined using only the portfolio weights as
variables. If the portfolio problem has
cardinality constraints and/or conditional bounds
using setMinMaxNumAssets
or setBounds
, the objective function must
also be convex. For more information, see Role of Convexity in Portfolio Problems.
Data Types: function_handle
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: pwgt =
— Sense of optimization
(default) | string with value "mimimize"
or "maximize"
| character vector with value
Sense of the optimization, specified as
and a string or
character vector with one of the following values:
— The solution minimizes the objective function."maximize"
— The solution maximizes the objective function.
Data Types: string
| char
— Target value for portfolio return
(default) | scalar
Target value for portfolio return, specified
as TargetReturn
and a scalar
numeric value. For an example, see Add Gross or Net Return Constraints for Problems with Custom Objectives.
Data Types: double
— Target value for portfolio standard deviation
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Since R2024a
Target value for portfolio standard deviation,
specified as TargetVolatility
and a nonnegative scalar numeric value. For an
example, see Add Risk Constraint to a Custom Objective Problem.
Data Types: double
— User-supplied objective function bound
(default) | numeric
Since R2023b
User-supplied objective function bound,
specified as ObjectiveBound
a numeric value. ObjectiveBound
is useful to speed up solvers.
If ObjectiveSense
, then
should be a
lower bound of the objective function. If
, then
should be an
upper bound of the objective function. If
is not
specified, a numerical lower bound is
Data Types: double
— Weights allocation to initialize solver
(default) | vector
Since R2023b
Weights allocation to initialize solver,
specified as InitialPoint
and a
vector. InitialPoint
is useful
for continuous portfolio problems that may have
many local minima. By specifying a starting point,
you can make the algorithm search different local
If InitialPoint
is not
specified, it is set to the long-only,
fully-invested, equally-weighted portfolio.
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— Optimal weight allocation of portfolio problem
Optimal weight allocation of the portfolio problem,
returned as a
— Purchases relative to initial portfolio to achieve optimal weight allocation of portfolio problem
Purchases relative to initial portfolio to achieve the
optimal weight allocation of the portfolio problem,
returned as a
— Sales relative to initial portfolio to achieve optimal weight allocation of the portfolio problem
Sales relative to initial portfolio to achieve the
optimal weight allocation of the portfolio problem,
returned as a NumAssets
— Reason solver stopped
enumeration variable | integer
Reason the solver stopped, returned as an enumeration
variable or integer. There are two types of
output. If the problem
is continuous, the exitflag
output is an enumeration variable. If the problem is
mixed-integer, then the exitflag
output is an integer.
[1] Cornuejols, G. and Reha Tütüncü. Optimization Methods in Finance. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Version History
Introduced in R2022bR2024a: Support tracking error constraints
supports tracking
error constraints when using setTrackingError
with the Portfolio
For an example, see Add Tracking Error Constraints to a Custom Objective Problem.
R2024a: Added Name-Value Arguments for TargetVolatility
for risk constraints
added a name-value
argument for TargetVolatility
for risk
constraints. For an example, see Add Risk Constraint to a Custom Objective Problem.
R2023b: Added Name-Value Arguments for ObjectiveBound
and InitialPoint
added name-value
arguments for ObjectiveBound
See Also
| estimateFrontier
| estimateFrontierByReturn
| estimateFrontierByRisk
- Diversify Portfolios Using Custom Objective
- Portfolio Optimization Using Social Performance Measure
- Portfolio Optimization Against a Benchmark
- Solve Problem for Minimum Variance Portfolio with Tracking Error Penalty
- Solve Problem for Minimum Tracking Error with Net Return Constraint
- Solve Robust Portfolio Maximum Return Problem with Ellipsoidal Uncertainty
- Risk Parity or Budgeting with Constraints
- Single Period Goal-Based Wealth Management
- Adding Constraints to Satisfy UCITS Directive
- Solver Guidelines for Custom Objective Problems Using Portfolio Objects
- Portfolio Optimization Theory
- Role of Convexity in Portfolio Problems
- Choose MINLP Solvers for Portfolio Problems
- Troubleshooting estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio
- solveContinuousCustomObjProb or solveMICustomObjProb Errors
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