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Spécification de l’entrée

Type d’entrée, taille, taille de variable, complexité, constantes, variables globales


coder.typeofCreate coder.Type object to represent the type of an entry-point function input
coder.resizeResize coder.Type object
coder.newtypeCreate coder.Type object to represent type of an entry-point function input
coder.varsizeDeclare variable-size data
coderTypeEditorLaunch the Coder Type Editor dialog (depuis R2020a)


coder.ArrayTypeRepresent set of MATLAB arrays acceptable for input specification
coder.CellTypeRepresent set of MATLAB cell arrays
coder.ClassTypeRepresent set of MATLAB classes acceptable for input specification
coder.ConstantSpecification of constant value for code generation
coder.EnumTypeRepresent set of MATLAB enumerations acceptable for input specification
coder.FiTypeRepresent set of MATLAB fixed-point arrays acceptable for input specification
coder.PrimitiveTypeRepresent set of logical, numeric, or character arrays acceptable for input specification
coder.StructTypeRepresent set of MATLAB structure arrays acceptable for input specification
coder.TypeRepresent set of MATLAB values acceptable for input specification
