(To be removed) Generate Simulink OPC Read block from MATLAB group object
Support for the OPC Data Access (DA) standard will be removed in a future release. Instead use OPC Unified Architecture (UA). See Version History.
BlkPath = genslread(GrpObj)
BlkPath = genslread(GrpObj,DestSys)
BlkPath = genslread(GrpObj)
generates an
OPC Read block from the dagroup
object GrpObj
and places the block in a new Simulink® model. The OPC Read block has the same name, update rate, and items as
. If all items in GrpObj
have the
same data type, the OPC Read block’s Value
port indicates that
data type. BlkPath
indicates the full path to the new OPC Read
BlkPath = genslread(GrpObj,DestSys)
generates the OPC Read block and places it into the system defined by
. DestSys
must be a model name or a
path to a subsystem block. The OPC Read block automatically takes a location that
attempts to minimize overlap of lines and blocks, however, the block might appear
over an existing annotation.
Create a group object with two items, and then construct an OPC Read block from the group.
da = opcda('localhost','Matrikon.OPC.Simulation'); grp = addgroup(da,'ExOPCREAD'); itm1 = additem(grp,'Triangle Waves.Real8'); itm2 = additem(grp,'Saw-Toothed Waves.Int2'); % Set update rate to 2 seconds: grp.UpdateRate = 2; % Construct OPC Read block: blkPath = genslread(grp)