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Tune control point locations using cross-correlation


movingPointsAdjusted = cpcorr(movingPoints,fixedPoints,moving,fixed) adjusts the position of moving control points, movingPoints, with respect to fixed control points, fixedPoints, using normalized cross-correlation between the moving image moving and the fixed image fixed. The cpcorr function returns the adjusted moving control points in movingPointsAdjusted.



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Read two images into the workspace.

moving = imread('onion.png');
fixed = imread('peppers.png');

Define sets of control points for both images.

movingPoints = [118 42;99 87];
fixedPoints = [190 114;171 165];

Display the images, and display the control points in white. The position of the moving points is slightly offset from the position of the fixed points.

hold on
title('Fixed Image')

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Fixed Image contains 2 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

hold on
title('Moving Image')

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Moving Image contains 2 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Adjust the moving control points using cross correlation.

movingPointsAdjusted = cpcorr(movingPoints,fixedPoints, ...
movingPointsAdjusted = 2×2

  115.9000   39.1000
   97.0000   89.9000

Display the adjusted moving points in yellow. Compared to the original moving points (in white), the adjusted points more closely match the positions of the fixed points.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Moving Image contains 3 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Input Arguments

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Coordinates of control points in the image to be transformed, specified as an m-by-2 matrix. The two columns represent the x- and y-coordinates of the control points, respectively, in the intrinsic coordinate system of the image.

Example: [127 93; 74 59]

Data Types: double

Coordinates of control points in the reference image, specified as an p-by-2 matrix. The two columns represent the x- and y-coordinates of the control points, respectively, in the intrinsic coordinate system of the image.

Example: [323 195; 269 161]

Data Types: double

Image to be registered, specified as a numeric array.

Reference image in the target orientation, specified as a numeric array.

Output Arguments

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Adjusted coordinates of control points in the image to be transformed, returned as a numeric matrix of the same size as movingPoints.

Data Types: double


  • The moving and fixed images must have the same scale for cpcorr to be effective.

  • If cpcorr cannot correlate a pair of control points, movingPointsAdjusted contains the same coordinates as movingPoints for that pair.

  • cpcorr cannot adjust a point if any of these conditions occur:

    • points are too near the edge of either image

    • regions of images around points contain Inf or NaN

    • region around a point in moving image has zero standard deviation

    • regions of images around points are poorly correlated


cpcorr only moves the position of a control point by up to four pixels. Adjusted coordinates are accurate up to one-tenth of a pixel. cpcorr is designed to get subpixel accuracy from the image content and coarse control point selection.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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