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Apply spatial transformation to N-D array

The tformarray function is not recommended for 2-D and 3-D spatial transformations. Use the imwarp function instead. For more information, see Version History.


B = tformarray(A,T,R,tdims_A,tdims_B,tsize_B,tmap_B,F) applies a spatial transformation T to array A to produce array B.



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Create a 2-by-2 square checkerboard image where each square is 20 pixels wide. Display the image.

I = checkerboard(20,1,1);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Transform the checkerboard with a projective transformation. First create a spatial transformation structure.

T = maketform('projective',[1 1; 41 1; 41 41;   1 41],...
                           [5 5; 40 5; 35 30; -10 30]);

Create a resampler. Use the pad method 'circular' when creating the resampler, so that the output appears to be a perspective view of an infinite checkerboard.

R = makeresampler('cubic','circular');

Perform the transformation, specifying the transformation structure and the resampler. For this example, swap the output dimensions, and specify a 100-by-100 output image. Leave argument tmap_B empty since you specify argument tsize_B. Leave argument F empty since the fill value is not needed.

J = tformarray(I,T,R,[1 2],[2 1],[100 100],[],[]);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Create a 2-by-2 square checkerboard image where each square is 20 pixels wide. Display the image.

I = checkerboard(20,1,1);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Transform the checkerboard with a projective transformation. First create a spatial transformation structure.

T = maketform('projective',[1 1; 41 1; 41 41;   1 41],...
                           [5 5; 40 5; 35 30; -10 30]);

Create a resampler. Use the pad method 'circular' when creating the resampler, so that the output appears to be a perspective view of an infinite checkerboard.

R = makeresampler('cubic','circular');

Create arrays that specify the mapping of points from input space to output space. This example uses anisotropic sampling, where the distance between samples is larger in one direction than the other.

samp_x = 1:1.5:150;
samp_y = 1:100;
[x,y] = meshgrid(samp_x,samp_y);
tmap = cat(3,x,y);
ans = 1×3

   100   100     2

Note the size of tmap. The output image will have dimensions 100-by-100.

Perform the transformation, specifying the transformation structure and the resampler. Specify the output map as tmap. Leave argument tsize_B empty, since you specify argument tmap_B. The fill value does not matter since the resampler is circular.

J = tformarray(I,T,R,[1 2],[1 2],[],tmap,[]);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

The length of checkerboard squares is larger in the y-direction than in the x-direction, which agrees with the larger sampling distance between points in the vector samp_x. Compared to the result using isotopic point mapping (see example Transform Checkerboard Image), three additional columns of the checkerboard appear at the right of the transformed image, and no new rows are added to the transformed image.

Input Arguments

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Input image, specified as a numeric array. A can be real or complex.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | logical
Complex Number Support: Yes

Spatial transformation, specified as a TFORM spatial transformation structure. You typically use the maketform function to create a TFORM structure.

tformarray uses T and the function tforminv to compute the corresponding location in the input transform subscript space for each location in the output transform subscript space. tformarray defines the input transform space by tdims_B and tsize_B and the output transform subscript space by tdims_A and size(A).

If T is empty, then tformarray operates as a direct resampling function. Further, if tmap_B is:

  • Not empty, then tformarray applies the resampler defined in R to compute values at each transform space location defined in tmap_B

  • Empty, then tformarray applies the resampler at each location in the output transform subscript grid

Data Types: struct

Resampler, specified as a structure. A resampler structure defines how to interpolate values of the input array at specified locations. R is created with makeresampler, which allows fine control over how to interpolate along each dimension. makeresampler also controls what input array values to use when interpolating close to the edge of the array.

Data Types: struct

Input transform dimensions, specified as a row vector of finite, positive integers.

tdims_A and tdims_B indicate which dimensions of the input and output arrays are involved in the spatial transformation. Each element must be unique. The entries need not be listed in increasing order, but the order matters. The order specifies the precise correspondence between dimensions of arrays A and B and the input and output spaces of the transformation T.

length(tdims_A) must equal T.ndims_in, and length(tdims_B) must equal T.ndims_out.

For example, if T is a 2-D transformation, tdims_A = [2 1], and tdims_B = [1 2], then the row and column dimensions of A correspond to the second and first transformation input-space dimensions, respectively. The row and column dimensions of B correspond to the first and second output-space dimensions, respectively.

Data Types: double

Output transform dimensions, specified as a row vector of finite, positive integers. For more information, see tdims_A.

Data Types: double

Size of the output array transform dimensions, specified as a row vector of finite, positive integers. The size of B along nontransform dimensions is taken directly from the size of A along those dimensions.

For example, if T is a 2-D transformation, size(A) = [480 640 3 10], tdims_B is [2 1], and tsize_B is [300 200], then size(B) is [200 300 3 10].

Data Types: double

Point locations in output space, specified as a finite real-valued array. tmap_B is an optional argument that provides an alternative way of specifying the correspondence between the position of elements of B and the location in output transform space. tmap_B can be used, for example, to compute the result of an image warp at a set of arbitrary locations in output space.

If tmap_B is not empty, then the size of tmap_B is

 [D1 D2 D3 ... DN L]
where N equals length(tdims_B). tsize_B should be [].

The value of L depends on whether T is empty. If T is:

  • Not empty, then L is T.ndims_out, and each L-dimension point in tmap_B is transformed to an input-space location using T

  • Empty, then L is length(tdims_A), and each L-dimensional point in tmap_B is used directly as a location in input space.

Data Types: double

Fill values, specified as a numeric scalar, numeric array, or empty ([]). The fill values in F can be used in three situations:

  • When a separable resampler is created with makeresampler and its padmethod is set to either "fill" or "bound".

  • When a custom resampler is used that supports the "fill" or "bound" pad methods (with behavior that is specific to the customization).

  • When the map from the transform dimensions of B to the transform dimensions of A is deliberately undefined for some points. Such points are encoded in the input transform space by NaNs in either tmap_B or in the output of tforminv.

In the first two cases, fill values are used to compute values for output locations that map outside or near the edges of the input array. Fill values are copied into B when output locations map well outside the input array. See makeresampler for more information about "fill" and "bound".

When F is:

  • A scalar (including NaN), its value is replicated across all the nontransform dimensions.

  • Nonscalar, its size depends on size(A) in the nontransform dimensions. Specifically, if K is the Jth nontransform dimension of A, then size(F,J) must be either size(A,K) or 1. As a convenience, tformarray replicates F across any dimensions with unit size such that after the replication size(F,J) equals size(A,K).

  • Empty ([]), the tformarray function uses a fill value of 0.

For example, suppose A represents 10 RGB images and has size 200-by-200-by-3-by-10, T is a 2-D transformation, and tdims_A and tdims_B are both [1 2]. In other words, tformarray applies the same 2-D transform to each color plane of each of the 10 RGB images. In this situation you have several options for F:

  • F can be a scalar, in which case the same fill value is used for each color plane of all 10 images.

  • F can be a 3-by-1 vector, [R G B]'. tformarray uses the RGB value as the fill value for the corresponding color planes of each of the 10 images.

  • F can be a 1-by-10 vector. tformarray uses a different fill value for each of 10 images, with that fill value being used for all three color planes.

  • F can be a 3-by-10 matrix. tformarray uses a different RGB fill color for each of the 10 images.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Transformed image, returned as a numeric array.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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