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Configure Property Display for Custom UI Components in App Designer

When you develop a custom UI component in App Designer, you can provide customization options for app creators that use your component by creating public properties. This example shows how to design these public properties so app creators can easily modify them from within App Designer. Specify the data types and other requirements for the public properties so app creators can enter only valid values. For more information about creating public properties, see Create Public Properties for Custom UI Components in App Designer.

This table shows how each of the property types appears in the Component Browser when the component is used in an app.

Property TypeComponent Browser Input
NumericEdit field
TextEdit field
LogicalCheck box
EnumerationDrop-down list

Create Custom UI Component for App Text Styling

For this example, create a custom component to quickly and consistently style app text, such as changing the font size and color of the text in the app. Create a component named StylableText that consists of an underlying label component and four public properties to demonstrate the allowable property types for a custom UI component:

  • Scale: Font size scale, specified as a numeric property of type double. App creators can change the property in an App Designer app by entering a value greater than 0 in an edit field.

  • Text: Component text, specified as a text property of type string. App creators can change the property in an App Designer app by entering text in an edit field.

  • WordWrap: Text wrap, specified as a logical property of type matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState. App creators can change the property in an App Designer app by toggling a check box.

  • Style: Font size and color, specified as an enumeration property of type TextStyle (custom enumeration class). App creators can change the property in an App Designer app by selecting an option from a drop-down list.

To create the custom component, open a new blank component in App Designer. In Design View, add a Label from the Component Library. Save this new component as StylableText.mlapp.

Create Numeric Property

Create a public property with a numeric data type when a component has a numeric value that app creators can change.

In the StylableText component, create a public numeric property that scales the font size of each style given by the Style property. Specify these fields in the Add Property dialog box:

  • Name: Scale

  • Data Type: double

  • Default Value: 1

  • Validation Functions: mustBeGreaterThan(0)

Add this code to the update function in Code View to set the FontSize property of the underlying label component. Define FontSize as a product of the font size given by the Style property and Scale.

comp.Label.FontSize = comp.Style.FontSize*comp.Scale;

When app creators use the component in an app, they can change the text scaling by entering a scale factor greater than 0 in the Scale edit field in the Component Browser.

Create Text Property

Create a public property with a textual data type when a component has text that app creators can change.

In the StylableText component, create a public text property that controls the text of the label component. Specify these fields in the Add Property dialog box:

  • Name: Text

  • Data Type: string

  • Default Value: "Example"

Add this code to the update function in Code View to link the public property to the Text property of the underlying label component.

comp.Label.Text = comp.Text;

When app creators use the component in an app, they can change the label text by entering text in the Text edit field in the Component Browser.

Create On/Off Logical Property

Create a public property with a logical data type when a component has two distinct states that app creators can change. Use the matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState data type. Existing UI components in MATLAB® use this data type for logical properties. Type this class into the Data Type field instead of selecting an option from the drop-down list.

In the StylableText component, create a public logical property that determines whether the text wraps. Specify these fields in the Add Property dialog box:

  • Name: WordWrap

  • Data Type: matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState

  • Default Value: matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.on

Add this code to the update function in Code View to link the public property to the WordWrap property of the underlying label component.

comp.Label.WordWrap = comp.WordWrap;

When app creators use the component in an app, they can control whether the text wraps with the WordWrap check box in the Component Browser.

Create Custom Enumerated Property

Create a public property with a custom enumeration class when a component has discrete predetermined configurations that app creators can select. First, define an enumeration class in MATLAB that stores the valid public property values and configurations. To define an enumeration class, add an enumeration block to a class definition. Then, add a public property with that enumeration class as the data type to the component in App Designer. For more information on enumeration classes, see Define Enumeration Classes.

For this example, create a class that enumerates a set of formatting styles, such as title and heading styles. Each style has associated values that specify the font size and color. In the MATLAB Editor:

  • Create a new class named TextStyle.

  • Define two properties to store the font size and color.

  • Define an enumerated set of text styles with associated properties.

classdef TextStyle

        Body (12, [0 0 0])
        Heading1 (18, [0 0.4470 0.7410])
        Heading2 (16, [0.3010 0.7450 0.9330])
        Title (24, [0.6350 0.0780 0.1840])

        function obj = TextStyle(size,color)
            obj.FontSize = size;
            obj.FontColor = color;
Save the class as TextStyle.m in the same folder as the StylableText component.

In the StylableText component in App Designer, create a public property. Specify these fields in the Add Property dialog box:

  • Name: Style

  • Data Type: TextStyle

  • Default Value: TextStyle.Title

Add this code to the update function in Code View to link the public property to the FontSize and FontColor properties of the underlying label component.

comp.Label.FontSize = comp.Style.FontSize*comp.Scale;
comp.Label.FontColor = comp.Style.FontColor;
When app creators use the component in an app, they can modify the formatting of the text by selecting a different style option from the Style drop-down list in the Component Browser. For example, setting the Style property to Title sets the label font size to 24 and the label font color to the RGB triplet [0.6350 0.0780 0.1840].

Use Custom UI Component in App

To see how the public properties of the StylableText component appear in the Component Browser, configure the component for use in an app. For more information, see Configure Custom UI Components for App Designer.

In a new blank app in App Designer, add a StylableText component. Edit the public properties in the Component Browser using the different input fields.

Use the drop-down list to select a different option for the Style property. The options are defined by the enumeration in the TextStyle class.

Use multiple StylableText components with different property values in the same app. For example, this app has three components. One uses the Style option Heading1. The other two use the Style option Body. One of these components sets Scale to 1. The other sets Scale to 1.25. The value of the Text property of each component describes the corresponding text style.

See Also

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