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Normalize Data

Center and scale data in the Live Editor

Since R2021b


The Normalize Data task lets you interactively normalize data by choosing centering and scaling methods, such as z-score. The task automatically generates MATLAB® code for your live script.

Using this task, you can:

  • Customize how to center and scale data in a workspace variable such as a table or timetable.

  • Visualize the input data compared to the normalized data.

  • Return the centering and scaling values used to compute the normalization.

Related Functions

Normalize Data generates code that uses the normalize function.

Normalize Data task in the Live Editor

Open the Task

To add the Normalize Data task to a live script in the MATLAB Editor:

  • On the Live Editor tab, select Task > Normalize Data.

  • In a code block in the script, type a relevant keyword, such as normalize, range, or scale. Select Normalize Data from the suggested command completions. For some keywords, the task automatically updates one or more corresponding parameters.


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Interactively normalize a data set and return the computed parameter values using the Normalize Data task in the Live Editor. Then, reuse the parameters to apply the same normalization to another data set.

Create a timetable with two variables: Temperature and WindSpeed. Then create a second timetable with the same variables, but with the samples taken a year later.

Time1 = (datetime(2019,1,1):days(1):datetime(2019,1,10))';
Temperature = randi([10 40],10,1);
WindSpeed = randi([0 20],10,1);
T1 = timetable(Temperature,WindSpeed,RowTimes=Time1)
T1=10×2 timetable
       Time        Temperature    WindSpeed
    ___________    ___________    _________

    01-Jan-2019        35             3    
    02-Jan-2019        38            20    
    03-Jan-2019        13            20    
    04-Jan-2019        38            10    
    05-Jan-2019        29            16    
    06-Jan-2019        13             2    
    07-Jan-2019        18             8    
    08-Jan-2019        26            19    
    09-Jan-2019        39            16    
    10-Jan-2019        39            20    

Time2 = (datetime(2020,1,1):days(1):datetime(2020,1,10))';
Temperature = randi([10 40],10,1);
WindSpeed = randi([0 20],10,1);
T2 = timetable(Temperature,WindSpeed,RowTimes=Time2)
T2=10×2 timetable
       Time        Temperature    WindSpeed
    ___________    ___________    _________

    01-Jan-2020        30            14    
    02-Jan-2020        11             0    
    03-Jan-2020        36             5    
    04-Jan-2020        38             0    
    05-Jan-2020        31             2    
    06-Jan-2020        33            17    
    07-Jan-2020        33            14    
    08-Jan-2020        22             6    
    09-Jan-2020        30            19    
    10-Jan-2020        15             0    

Open the Normalize Data task in the Live Editor. To normalize the first timetable, select T1 as the input data and normalize all supported variables.

By default, the Normalize Data task returns the normalized data. In addition to the normalized data, return the centering and scaling parameter values that the task uses to perform the normalization by selecting Return center and scale values in the Specify method and parameters section of the task.

The output arguments newTable, centerValue, and scaleValue represent the normalized values, the centering values, and the scaling values, respectively.

Live Task
% Normalize Data
[newTable,centerValue,scaleValue] = normalize(T1);

% Display results
plot(T1.Time,T1.Temperature,"SeriesIndex",6,"DisplayName","Input data")

plot(T1.Time,newTable.Temperature,"SeriesIndex",1,"LineWidth",1.5, ...
    "DisplayName","Normalized data")

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel Time, ylabel Temperature contains an object of type line. This object represents Input data. Axes object 2 with xlabel Time, ylabel Temperature contains an object of type line. This object represents Normalized data.


You can use the output arguments of a Live Editor task in subsequent code. Use the normalize function to normalize the second timetable T2 using the parameter values from the first normalization. This technique ensures that the data in T2 is centered and scaled in the same way as T1.

T2_norm = normalize(T2,"center",centerValue,"scale",scaleValue)
T2_norm=10×2 timetable
       Time        Temperature    WindSpeed
    ___________    ___________    _________

    01-Jan-2020      0.11165      0.084441 
    02-Jan-2020      -1.6562       -1.8858 
    03-Jan-2020      0.66992       -1.1822 
    04-Jan-2020        0.856       -1.8858 
    05-Jan-2020       0.2047       -1.6044 
    06-Jan-2020      0.39078       0.50665 
    07-Jan-2020      0.39078      0.084441 
    08-Jan-2020      -0.6327       -1.0414 
    09-Jan-2020      0.11165       0.78812 
    10-Jan-2020       -1.284       -1.8858 

Related Examples


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This task operates on input data contained in a vector, table, or timetable. The data can be of type single or double.

For table or timetable input data, to clean all variables with type single or double, select All supported variables. To choose which single or double variables to clean, select Specified variables.

Specify the method and related parameters for normalizing data as one of these options.


Method Parameters



Standard deviation

Center and scale to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Median absolute deviation

Center and scale to have median 0 and median absolute deviation 1.


Positive numeric scalar (default is 2) or Inf for infinity norm

Scale data by p-norm.


Upper and lower range limits (default is 0 for lower limit and 1 for upper limit)

Rescale range of data to an interval of the form [a, b], where a < b.

Median IQR

Not applicable

Center and scale data to have median 0 and interquartile range 1.


Mean (default)

Center to have mean 0.


Center to have median 0.

Numeric scalar

Shift center by a specified numeric value.

From workspace

Shift center using values in a numeric array or in a table whose variable names match the specified table variables from the input data.


Standard deviation (default)

Scale data by standard deviation.

Median absolute deviation

Scale data by median absolute deviation.

First element

Scale data by first element of data.

Interquartile range

Scale data by interquartile range.

Numeric scalar (default is 1)

Scale data by dividing by a specified numeric value.

From workspace

Scale data using values in a numeric array or in a table whose variable names match the specified table variables from the input data.
Center and scaleSee the Center and Scale method parametersBoth center and scale data using the specified parameters.

More About

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Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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