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Prompt MATLAB Job Scheduler password change


    changePassword(mjs) prompts you to change your password as the current user on the MATLAB® Job Scheduler cluster represented by cluster object mjs. In the dialog box that opens, you must enter your current password and the new password.


    changePassword(mjs,username) prompts you as the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster admin user to change the password for another specified user. In the dialog box that opens, you must enter the cluster admin user password and the new password for the user. Use this syntax to enable the cluster administrator to reset a password for a user who is not available or has forgotten their password.


    The cluster administrator creates the admin account when they start the MATLAB Job Scheduler with a security level of 1, 2, or 3.



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    Change your password for the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster corresponding to a cluster profile called MyMjsProfile.

    mjs = parcluster("MyMjsProfile");

    Change your password for the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster on which the parallel pool is running.

    p = gcp;
    mjs = p.Cluster;

    Change the password for a user named john. The cluster administrator can perform this operation from any MATLAB client that can access the MATLAB Job Scheduler.

    As the cluster administrator with the username admin, access the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster by creating a parallel.cluster.MJS object. This call generates prompts for the administrator to provide their username and password.

    mjs = parallel.cluster.MJS(Profile="MyMjsProfile",Username="admin");

    After the administrator logs into the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster, they can change the password for john. This call generates prompts for the administrator's password and then for a new password for john.


    The Change Parallel Computing Password window with fields for current password, new password, confirm new password, and options for remembering the password.

    At this point, the administrator can change the MATLAB Job Scheduler session user back to john.

    mjs.Username = "john";  % Prompted again for password.

    Input Arguments

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    Cluster object representing the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster on which the password is changing, specified as a parallel.cluster.MJS object. You can create a parallel.cluster.MJS cluster object using the parcluster function or the parallel.cluster.MJS function.

    Username of the user whose password is changing, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Data Types: char | string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2010b

    See Also

    | | (MATLAB Parallel Server)
