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Report Setup

Create a report setup file to include components that define report structure and content

A report setup is a set of MATLAB® objects (called components) that specifies the content and structure of a report. To create and edit a report setup, use the Report Explorer setup editor. You generate a report from a setup file. For details, see Report Setups.


Report ExplorerDesign and generate reports on MATLAB applications


rptlistRetrieve list of report setup files on the MATLAB path
seteditStart Report Explorer
rptrebuildcacheRebuild Report Explorer template cache
rptrebuildregistryRebuild Report Explorer style sheet registry

Report Components

Nest Setup FileAllow one report setup file (rpt file) to run inside another
Evaluate MATLAB ExpressionEvaluate specified MATLAB expression
CommentInsert comment into XML source file created by report generation process


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