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Relocate or Share Generated Code

To relocate or share static and generated code files, you can use the packNGo function. For example, use the function when you want to relocate generated code to a development environment that does not provide MATLAB® and Simulink® products.

Package and Relocate Generated Code

To package generated code:

  1. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Package code and artifacts. This option configures the build process to run the packNGo function after code generation.

  2. In the Zip file name field, enter the name of the ZIP file in which you want to package the generated code and artifacts. You can specify the file name with or without the .zip extension. If you do not specify an extension or an extension other than .zip, the ZIP utility adds extension. If you do not specify a value, the build process uses the name, where model is the name of the top model.

  3. Apply the changes and then generate code for your model.

  4. Verify that the packaged code is ready for relocation by using a ZIP tool to inspect the resulting ZIP file.

Relocate the ZIP file to the destination development environment and use a ZIP tool to unpack the file. To compile the unpacked code, use a build tool.

If the destination environment provides Simulink Coder™ or Embedded Coder®, you can use codebuild to compile the unpacked code.

Package and Relocate Generated Code From Command Line

To package and relocate generated code by using line commands, use this workflow:

Select a Structure for the ZIP File

Before you generate and package the files for a model build, decide whether you want the files to be packaged in a flat or hierarchical folder structure. By default, the packNGo function packages the files in a single, flat folder structure.

If...Then Use a...
You are relocating files to an IDE that does not use the generated makefile, or the code is not dependent on the relative location of required static filesSingle, flat folder structure
The destination development environment must maintain the folder structure of the source environment because it uses the generated makefile, or the code depends on the relative location of filesHierarchical structure

If you use a hierarchical structure, the packNGo function creates two levels of zip files, a primary zip file, which in turn contains the following secondary zip files:

  • — files in your matlabroot folder tree

  • — files in and under your build folder where you initiated code generation for the model

  • — required files not in the matlabroot or start folder trees

Paths for the secondary zip files are relative to the root folder of the primary zip file, maintaining the source development folder structure.

Select a Name for the Zip File

By default, the packNGo function names the primary zip file model. You have the option of specifying a different name. If you specify a file name and omit the file type extension, the function appends . to the name that you specify.

Package Model Code in a Zip File

Package model code files by using the PostCodeGenCommand configuration parameter, packNGo function, and build information object for the model. You can set up the packaging operation to use:

  • A system generated build information object.

    In this case, before generating the model code, use set_param to set the configuration parameter PostCodeGenCommand to an explicit call to the packNGo function. For example:

    set_param(bdroot, 'PostCodeGenCommand', 'packNGo(buildInfo);');

    After generating and writing the model code to disk and before generating a makefile, this command instructs the build process to evaluate the call to packNGo. This command uses the system generated build information object for the currently selected model.

  • A build information object that you construct programmatically.

    In this case, you could use other build information functions to include paths and files selectively in the build information object that you then specify with the packNGo function. For example:

    myModelBuildInfo = RTW.BuildInfo;
    addSourceFiles(myModelBuildInfo, {'test1.c' 'test2.c' 'driver.c'});

The following examples show how you can change the default behavior of packNGo.

To... Specify...
Change the structure of the file packaging to hierarchicalpackNGo(buildInfo, 'packType' 'hierarchical');
Rename the primary zip filepackNGo(buildInfo, 'fileName' 'zippedsrcs');
Change the structure of the file packaging to hierarchical and rename the primary zip filepackNGo(buildInfo, 'packType' 'hierarchical'...
'fileName' 'zippedsrcs');
Include header files found on the include path in the zip filepackNGo(buildInfo, 'minimalHeaders' false);
Generate warnings for parse errors and missing filespackNGo(buildInfo, 'ignoreParseError' true...
'ignoreFileMissing' true);


The packNGo function can modify the build information in the RTW.BuildInfo object that is passed as the first argument of the function. The function might find additional files from source and include paths recorded in build information for the model and add that information to the RTW.BuildInfo object.

Inspect Generated ZIP File

To verify that the generated ZIP file is ready for relocation, use a ZIP tool to inspect the file. Some ZIP tools allow you to view the file contents without unpacking the file. If unpacking is required and the model code files are packaged as a hierarchical structure, you have to unpack the primary and secondary ZIP files. When you unpack the secondary ZIP files, relative paths of the files are preserved.

Relocate and Unpack ZIP File

Relocate the ZIP file to the destination development environment and use a ZIP tool to unpack the file. To compile the unpacked code, use a build tool.

If the destination environment provides Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder, you can use codebuild to compile the unpacked code.

Code Packaging Example

This example shows how to package code files generated for the example model CounterModel:

  1. Open the model.


  2. In the Command Window, enter:

    set_param('CounterModel', 'PostCodeGenCommand',...
    'packNGo(buildInfo, ''packType'', ''hierarchical'')');
  3. Generate code for the model.

  4. Inspect the generated ZIP file, The ZIP file contains a secondary ZIP file,

  5. Inspect

  6. Relocate the ZIP file to your destination folder and unpack it.

  7. To compile the unpacked code, use the codebuild function.


packNGo Function

For information about limitations that apply to this function, see packNGo.

Executable File with Nondefault Extension

If a build process uses the template makefile approach, then packNGo uses the executable file extension specified by the linker tool to determine binary artifacts that require packaging.

If you generate an executable file with an extension that is not a default value, check that the extension is saved in the toolchain associated with the template makefile. For more information, see Associate the Template Makefile with a Toolchain.

If the build process generates an executable file with an extension that is different from the extension saved in the toolchain, packNGo does not package the executable file.

See Also


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