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Mettre à jour des modèles hydrauliques pour utiliser des blocs Isothermal Liquid
Ressources pour convertir des modèles depuis le domaine hydraulique vers le domaine des liquides isothermes
Utilisez le domaine des liquides isothermes pour modéliser des systèmes hydrauliques où la température du fluide de travail reste constante pendant la simulation. (depuis R2020a)
La bibliothèque Hydraulic sera supprimée dans une prochaine version. Utilisez plutôt la bibliothèque Isothermal Liquid qui offre plusieurs avantages par rapport à la bibliothèque Hydraulic. Pour plus d’informations, consultez la rubrique Advantages of Using Isothermal Liquid Blocks.
En savoir plus sur la conversion de modèle
- Advantages of Using Isothermal Liquid Blocks
Blocks in the Isothermal Liquid library provide increased accuracy and numerical performance and are easier to use. - Upgrade Considerations When Converting Hydraulic to Isothermal Liquid Models
Learn about how to maintain the original model functionality after converting a model from hydraulic to isothermal liquid blocks by adjusting the blocks and block parameters.
Convertir votre modèle
- How to Upgrade Hydraulic Models
Learn how to use thehydraulicToIsothermalLiquid
conversion tool and review the results. - Upgrading Systems with Enabled Library Links, Model References, and Subsystem References
Preserve the links between files in models that contain hydraulic blocks from custom Simulink® libraries, referenced models, or subsystems. - Upgrading Custom Hydraulic Blocks to Use the Isothermal Liquid Domain
Rewrite underlying code of custom hydraulic blocks to convert them to isothermal liquid domain.
Tables de substitution de blocs et messages de conversion
- Conversion Messages After Converting Hydraulic to Isothermal Liquid Models
Learn about warning messages in the HTML report and recommended actions when you upgrade your models using thehydraulicToIsothermalLiquid
conversion tool. - Block Substitutions for Foundation Library Hydraulic Blocks
Learn about the block substitutions thehydraulicToIsothermalLiquid
conversion tool makes for Simscape > Foundation Library > Hydraulic library blocks.
hydraulicToIsothermalLiquid | Upgrade hydraulic block diagram system to use isothermal liquid blocks (depuis R2020a) |
hydraulicToIsothermalLiquidPostProcess | Restore original file names and links after upgrading hydraulic block diagram systems to use isothermal liquid blocks (depuis R2021a) |
Blocs Simscape
Interface (H-IL) | Flow connection between hydraulic and isothermal liquid networks (depuis R2020a) |