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Update attributes for input port, output port, or parameter of S-Function Builder block

Since R2022a


    Simulink.SFunctionBuilder.update(blk,elem,Name=elemName,FieldToUpdate=field,NewValue=newVal) updates the value of the specified property for an input port, output port, or parameter of the S-Function Builder block blk.

    To add a new input port, output port, or parameter to an S-Function Builder block, use the Simulink.SFunctionBuilder.add function.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    S-Function Builder block, specified as a block handle or as a string or a character vector that defines the block path.


    • To get the block handle for a block in your model, use the getSimulinkBlockHandle function.

    • To get the block handle for the most recently selected or added block, use the gcbh function.

    Type of element to update, specified as one of these options:

    • 'Input' — Update property for input port on S-Function Builder block.

    • 'Output' — Update property for output port on S-Function Builder block.

    • 'Parameter' — Update property for parameter of S-Function Builder block.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of input port, output port, or parameter to update, specified as a string or a character vector.

    Data Types: char | string

    Property of input port, output port, or parameter to update, specified as one of these options:

    • 'Name' — Update input port, output port, or parameter name.

    • 'DataType' — Update input port, output port, or parameter data type.

    • 'Complexity' — Update input port, output port, or parameter complexity.

    • 'Dimensions' — Update input port or output port dimensions.

      Do not specify FieldToUpdate='Dimensions' when you specify the second input argument as 'Parameter'.

    • 'Value' — Update parameter value.

      Do not specify FieldToUpdate='Value' when you specify the second input argument as 'Input' or 'Output'.

    • 'Unit' — Update unit value for input port, output port, or parameter.

    Data Types: char | string

    New value for property of input port, output port, or parameter, specified as a string or a character vector that contains the new value. The values you can specify depend on the property you want to update.

    Property to UpdateValid Values


    Valid port name

    Data type











    'Fixdt:slope and bias(a,b,c,d)'

    'Bus: <object name>'




    Port dimensions

    scalar or vector

    Parameter value

    Valid value for specified parameter

    UnitUnit for input port, output port, or parameter

    Data Types: char | string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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